I've decided to practice "vacation blogging".
I'll capture my thoughts daily in Word, and post all the qued entries when I'm around a connection….instead of dreaming of a connection to post daily and losing our first thoughts and impressions of our new home. This seems the best way to keep the family journal current with the present Internet limitations.
We were told last week it will be another 3 - 4 weeks until phone and Internet are installed. All our others neighbors have been told late November/December. I'm guessing they didn't want to tell us how much longer it would be. I was a bit desperate when they called last week to tell me they had no idea how long it would be. "PLEASE find out why the telephone company isn't calling us. I need to talk to my babies in America." ::snort::
I have found a few wifi connections out in this area….but I don't want to make over use of them. I WAS able to finally talk to the girls, Mom and Dad G and my parents this weekend. It was good.
~Today is Tuesday. I'm up here for PWOC, a conference call, compliling this week's Protestant News and Middle school drama. I have six blog posts to upload...We've also tried to buy printer ink, a camera battery charger, a CD player and printer paper - but ALL WERE OUT OF STOCK! ::snort:: On with my work and I'll upload posts in between.
Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.
~ Coram Deo ~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Is there a problem with using the closer connection? If someone didn't want others to use it, wouldn't have have it password protected?
AAFES catalog will become your best friend!
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