Saturday, June 07, 2014

Arielle Celebrates!

We love having young adults. I think it may be my favorite age. Watching the woman of God Arielle is becoming brings us great joy. She's a wonderful gift to our family. It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming her to the family in a Great Falls, MT hospital!  Seventeen years old. She will spend the summer at a Mexican orphanage and then begin her Senior year. Amazing. 

Good choice, Arielle! 

There seems to be a theme! 

She'd been telling us she wanted Michael got her this one. She was a great sport. 

Priceless! The moment she found the note telling her about her book credit at Amazon. 

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Wilma said...

Arielle and my granddaughter are so similar in their love for doing hair arrangements. She is 16 and last night did the hair for 10 young ladies who were going to their eighth grade dance. Our Lauren loves soccer, doing hair, making good grades and being a servant. Does that sound familiar? She is the oldest of six children who make up an amazing family! Happy Birthday, Arielle!!!!!!

wacocampbells said...

We love you Arielle!