Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dental Trip

This is VBS week and I'll write a VBS post at the end of the week. ::snort:: 

HOWEVER - today - with the help of a dear friend - we pulled off VBS AND a trip to the dentist for three of us - AND getting the boys home so they didn't have to spend the  day at the chapel. LOL 

Arielle had 3 cavities filled, Stacia 2 and ME _ THREE!!!! I have a terrible time numbing...and have had several dentists tell me I don't numb and just work on me anyway - so this is NOT something I look forward to. 

These guys are good. It did take 1 hour and 40 minutes for ME...and that was just a bit too can play waterfalls on my headphones, turn up the massage and I still no THIS IS ENFORCED CAPTIVITY. ::wink:: 

In only a De'Etta Dental type of way....something went  a bit awry with the zinged across my lip (and the gal apologized so I know it's not supposed to), numbed my tongue and my eye.....hoping to be back to normal by VBS Day 4.  All in all I was thrilled to be numb....and the work is done. I really DO like this office a lot. Doctor Mrs. is great with the kids. All good. 

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YIKES and sorry. Dad, Will, and you have the yucky teeth. Jawo and I have very little trouble. SORRY!

Glad you found a good dentist. My least favorite thing to have to do. Has been around 30 years since last teeth were temporarily fixed..... no way I was going to get a root canal done. :):):):):)

Happy fathers day to MIKE