Sunday, August 16, 2020

Stacia Turns 15!

 Stacia's magnificently loaded Birthday Sundae on birthday Sunday. 

We missed Cory (had to work), Larissa (at home in Juneau) and Izaak (had previous plans). Nolan arrived after work. All in all this is a pretty good crowd and the sundaes were a hit!  Both Bre and Arielle are starting to sport pretty cute baby bumps. 
Bre, Annie, Gideon, Stacia, Bella, Livie, Krista, Carrie
(Michael and Jamin in the back) Cy, Jared, Alex, Benny, & Arielle

Puppy Cuddles


Stacia and Jamin bounce kids....

Interesting sermon notetaker....

Football of some sort

Annie is coming into her personality - and it's delightful!

Stacia received quite a few thoughtful gifts, cake decorating tools, a warm fuzzy blanket, a tablet, a phone, phone minutes, play toys for Millie and a training session for Millie with a trainer Jamin knew.

Best of all? Dad woke up! Yes, GG is awake and there is no more talk of implementing his medical directive.  

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