Friday, January 22, 2021

The Next Friday

One of my dark secrets is that I, homeschooling mom of 9, do not like puzzles and board games. HOWEVER, we have closets full of them because I know they are good for kids...and it turns out they are also good for building cognitive alertness for Dad as well - according to his Speech Language Pathologist. 

Today Dad and I played 3 games of Guesstures. It's fun and a tad bit frustrating. You ask questions and get down to one person and that one person still up is ALWAYS the other person's mystery character....unless one is playing with Dad. ::snort:: Dad- you said your character has BLONDE hair - that's red hair. ::snort::  Dad wins. 

We also played table ping pong. This was a lot of fun. I got a lot of steps running around the table. 

Stacia discovered Turkey Red makes a great cup of Hot Chocolate. I loved their breakfast - lots of vegetables. Stacia and I had a great discussion on chapters 12 - 16 of John. 

She and I headed to the gym after our breakfast study.  We only made it once this week due to doctor appointments - but 

Dad had a Physical Therapy appointment at 4 p.m. and we watched Jumanji The Next Level after dinner. 


Every mile counts! Walking Tally 100.75 miles out of 100 miles

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