Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Endless School

 There was box day...and then we had a "rolling start"... and Monday we added in the AP courses and Science. Just like that we've gone from a relaxed pace to  school from 7:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.  pace.  We have entered the "endless school" phase of the year. 

Seriously, the first couple of weeks are hard as we establish new routines, get familiar with new topics and courses, both girls are taking several online classes (each with their own set of requirements to learn)...and the AP courses are requiring daily discussions with "teacher" - that would be me.  Within a month we'll have routines down that will work well for THIS school year, the expectations in each course will be old hat and I bet we shave an hour off the day. We'll see. 

Nonetheless - EVERYONE has been posting "First Day of School" photos and it seems I was remiss not to post a first day of school picture on Monday when we went "full bore." 

First Day of School 2021/22

It looks like some odd monkish commune around here. ::snort:: Not to worry that we're stressed - we're simply nose-to-the-grindstone-focused. I have to remember they may not be available to help with projects...and they can't run out to play with grands, or see something cool in the least not this week. LOL Believe it or not THIS is a class discussion....Millie is opinionated about Beowulf! 

No, life isn't all about academics and we don't school simply for the academics...but then again if one IS going to homeschool academics do need to be a priority...and so we are working back into a balance that will work well for this year. It's a familiar dance...thus begins my 33rd year of homeschooling; and this year I have grands schooling too - but that will be another post.  Both girls are doing well with the pace. 

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