Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer Routines

It's tricky baking bread in the summer when the temps are in the 70s. I open all the windows and start preheating the oven FIRST thing. I'm still playing with fresh ground wheat ratio to bread flour...this was a bit better...but I can do better. LOL  Making two loaves at a time keeps the oven at 450* twice as long. I think I'll just focus on the  whole wheat for a bit of time. LOL

left=bread flour; right=fresh ground whole wheat 

My summer routine is to get outside for a couple of hours in the morning, either around 0700 or after I get GG's morning routine accomplished and him settled with the paper.  I shower AFTER the yard work so I can wash away the devil's club and stinging nettle leftovers.  I am making great use of my new weed eater. 

In addition to weed eating, I sprayed 2 gallons of vinegar/salt/dish liquid in the upper part of the driveway and in the walkways in the garden.  I sure hope this works! I gave up with both the vinegar and the weed eater when I encountered dense devils' club taller than I. These things are ridiculous - why couldn't the corn grow this well? LOL 

Allie had an early morning counseling session followed by a full day at work. Stacia attended Japanese class and taught a Japanese class today.  Michael had his weekly visit to the chiropractor and stopped off to buy refills for our mosquito magnet and vinegar for more yard work. 

I spent an hour working on paperwork for Dad. I think I'm about 1/4 of the way through. Maybe. LOL 

Thursdays are dinner with Jenni. We kept it simple this week - chicken and potato salad from the deli and green salad, sour dough dinner rolls and pasta salad.  Jenni and Stacia played a game of Cribbage while we waited for Allie and Michael to arrive home. We are nearing the end of season 3 of All Creatures Great and Small. 

Stacia used to give Millie used peanut butter jars when she was a puppy. Millie hit the motherlode when she got this "jar" today. She is very protective of her bucket. In fact she gets so little peanut butter for all the drama...I think she likes the smell as much as the bits of butter left in the bucket. 

Millie is in dire need of a bath. This is the result of all her playing sessions at the river. If we give her a bath dealing with her coat of tight, corkscrew hair is a nightmare. I think she's got another 2 weeks before she sees the groomer. 

Nolan reports his hand is uncomfortable, doesn't seem much better or worse today. 

I tend to be one of those "up with the sun/down with the sun" people...this makes for VERY long Alaskan summer days. I'm enjoying every minute of sun...honestly, I enjoy the 4 a.m.  and mid-night sun a bit less than the middle of the day sun. πŸ˜€

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