Monday, April 24, 2006

A Photo Journal:

CCC watch tower

"When the whole world is your kitchen"...remember that laundry commericial with little unschooling girl that said "when the whole world's your classroom you need tide" or whatever it was? I kept thinking of that as we cooked this week. It seemed that I still spent a lot of time in the kitchen but at least it was a kitchen with a great view...and green bugs dropping from the trees above to chat...


The older kids bought this for ME one time in San Antonio when I took them out for a week of camping all by myself. The idea was that I was going to lounge around all week. {G} I had to fight for a few moments in the hammock this week...and then I had to share them with my favorite 4 yo. We handled the food thing fairly well until we got HOME and then he keeps finding food I thought was out of the cupboards. Tonight he's a handful...but soon we'll be away from home and there will be no hidden snacks to find.

"one campsite" - picture doesn't do the lights justice and you can only see one flamingo...

Our campsite - we love reading around the fire. There was a burn ban when we first arrived but after the good storms they lifted it. Mike read Patrick McManus to us (he's a pro at editing on the fly) and *The Magician's Nephew*.

Deer, armadillows, birds of all sorts, millions of bugs, snakes - but we were thrilled not to see one BEAR. {G}

My two peas in a pod...Jamin can at times be the most understanidng and gentle with Zander (he relates) or the hardest on him. I love to see Zander begin to reach out to Jamin and Jamin taking that "big brother" mantle on so readily. We absolutely love this age of opportunity...all ages are fun but we love the youth transition. Here our serious, 15 yo PLAYS with his youngest brother.
While everyone played kick ball or climbed various objects - Stacia and I read. She enjoyed the bookmark....I finished 31/2 read books and hope to finish a couple more next week at the lake. I'm determined to do my part to reduce clutter in our bedroom by reading down the "1/2 read" pile.

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