0700 and there was a LINE TO THE BACK WALL! Stacia and I ran to get my fasting labs done and grab a hot beverage before joining the que.
One and a half hours later we left with our package. Honestly, I MUST remember NOT to order during December. We do a lot of normal shopping on Amazon and Vitacost. It's not a big deal if it comes after Christmas - but if one doesn't pick up packages - they SEND THEM BACK. This happened to us while on vacation. I knew we didn't need any gifts that happened to arrive and the food could wait...but I didn't want the hassle of it getting sent back....and so we waited...and had a great time talking with ourselves and others.
We headed for breakfast and our study together by 0915. Next we hit a couple of thrift stores and Fred Myers.
I had waited so long for a BIG 3 lb package of Lakanto Monk Fruit. It's much cheaper online - or cheaper than anywhere I've found it locally.
I promptly dumped it on the counter....and scooped it back into a gallon ziploc.....
It is just a normal day in December.