Thursday, December 15, 2022

An Unexpected Visit

We did NOT get another 2 feet of snow overnight. We DID get at least another foot of snow. That makes at least 4 feet of snow (I think more like 4 1/2) in the last 10 days. That's a whole lotta pretty.  I looked out the window and thought, "Oh, we didn't get new snow." I opened the door and realized we did. The wind has also been blowing it around. These photos were taken about 8:45 a.m. 

Do I really need out? 

Our weather station on the back deck

We knew the deck had to be a priority today. We've been trying to keep the driveway and walkways clear...but the deck is getting heavy enough we need to deal with it.

I had just gotten Dad settled with his breakfast and was in the process of frying my eggs when the doorbell rang. I thought it was UPS and they'd be gone when I got to the door, so I didn't rush. THERE WERE PEOPLE at the door! Angels come to help dig us out! Michael and Alex spent 3 hours shoveling down to the foundation in the driveway last night....  Michael's back does not like the shoveling. I nearly cried when I saw these angels. Arielle brought the boys in to get their snow gear on, Cory started shoveling. 
Danny, Arielle, Little Buddy, Benny in the background

I scarfed down my eggs and joined them. Our first endeavor was to find GG's newspaper. Benny and I set wasn't delivered today...but we knew we'd better check. 
Benny searches for GG's paper

 Our next stop was the compost heap and then on to water and feed the Rabbit and the Chickens. The compost bin is now FULL of snow. I think I'll need to stop composting until we get some of the snow removed. 

Everyone helped! Cory dug out the garbage can so I could put a bag in. Who are we kidding? He did the bulk of our driveway, around cars...he's a champ. 

Arielle shoveled off GG's ramp so we can get him out and then she helped with the driveway. 

Benny told me he was going to shovel out Stacia's car "So she can go places."

He was satisfied when he could see the "Vibe."  LOL 

Danny and Little Buddy pretty much wandered around and messed with snow. 

Stacia and Benny tackled the back deck. 

Danny remembers the best part of shoveling snow....

My plans changed from helping to shovel, to entertaining the two year olds. I love this job. It worked well. 
Bachan, Danny & Little Buddy 📷by Arielle 

"Bachan! I'm slipping."

As we closed in on the 2nd hour of outside work, the boys wanted a break. We came inside to have hot chocolate and snacks. Benny left the deck to join us when he saw what was shaping up. He wanted a real teacup. And the 2 year olds were NOT about to have a SIPPY cup when Benny had a real teacup.  I was glad I had the melamine teacups to give each boy their own REAL teacup.  I originally bought these to give away to granddaughters at our Christmas Adam tea parties... They were hard to find so I bought extra when I ordered Annie's to have for future granddaughters.  I'm thinking I need to keep some HERE for tea parties. I'll have to try to find them again. 
Hot Chocolate Party 

Stacia had some frozen cookie dough in the freezer which I pulled out to bake a dozen quick cookies. It was great fun. Danny was happy to share with Cory when he came inside. 

It was a blessing to Michael to be able to ice his back and not worry about the snowfall from last night. The forecast shows a break from snow for a week and a return to COLD temps. We have had over 4 feet of snow fall in the last 10 days. 

We clear this after each big storm and couldn't imagine needing more than 15 inches. Michael says he's going to remark it. LOL The black mark you see about a 1/3 of the way up is the 15-inch mark. 

I was asked if I could meet at 3 Bears with a couple more dozen eggs. Stacia and I were happy for the outing. I was happy Cory had dug out the van this a.m.  Look at the snow drifts at the side of the car - it was cleared on Tuesday. LOL 

I drove these winter roads like a BOSS! I'm not in the Philippines now! LOL 

I like to get photos of this truck in a field near us. One can barely make out the truck for all the snow today. LOL 

We had a good laugh at Alex's almost looks like a truck of snow on top of his truck. LOL 

It's been a lot of mess, and I know kids need to get back to school, but it's been kind of fun too...record breaking snow. I'm glad we are here. 

The Season of Lights

The girls both celebrate significant milestones today. Allie has submitted her last assignment for her first semester in college! As important as showing herself she can manage the class load, she's also learned to balance work, serving at church and personal down time. Great job. 

Stacia took her final test in the last Genki Book (Japanese language series) and she scored 100%! She'll begin a new curriculum in January. Her classes in Japanese language, culture, comparative religions take on new significance as she does the next thing on her journey to being a career missionary in Japan. Take the next small step...a life lesson we all do well to remember. Way to go, Stacia! 

And I have no picture to commemorate the day - should have saved one from yesterday. LOL They spent the afternoon watching Sherlock Holmes. 

We've had a steady, gentle, beautiful snow fall all day. Michael and Alex spent another 3 hours shoveling off the snow which accumulated in the past 24 hours. 

The dark, winter days are upon us...but seriously, check out all the white!!! When the storms pass, we'll have stars, moon and northern lights reflecting on all the snow... We were losing 5 min of sunlight a day. Suddenly, I realized this week that the sun was NOT rising at 8:30 a.m.  I was finding it HARD to get up at 0500 and slept in until 7 on several mornings. I checked. Today, the sun will come up at 10:41 a.m. and go down at 2:33 p.m. We are marching towards the darkest day of the year - December 21st and then it will slowly begin adding light each day. I love the seasons....
Rather than think of this as the "dark season," I choose to make it the season of LIGHTS in our home. These lights will stay up until spring, and sufficient sunshine arrives. 
Entry - with the tree around he corner

Lights on our house (inside and outside) will shine until spring and candles can now glow nicely in the windows. I miss the candles in the summer. They shine much brighter now.  I'll need to get a better photo of the house lit up. 

Mom Mary's canning jars on my kitchen window ledge are filled with lights and shine so nicely on these mornings. 

We're learning to embrace each season for what it is...the joys and the challenges. We do have family members who LIKE the winters up here much more than the summers! 

And, I do take copious amounts of Vitamin D during the winter....

All these photos were taken between 8:30 - 8:40 a.m.