It seems Nolan and Arielle bombed their Kanji tests. They choked. They were humiliated. Arielle blamed Nolan in some strange twist of logic for her test anxiety. They'd disappointed their teachers - Ryu and Kim Ichikawa. Arielle dreaded Nikki asking her on Sunday how her Japanese classes went this week.
This bombing? Arielle was SURE she'd made a B at best. I'd hardly call THAT a world-class bomb myself. She informed me she has all A's this year and this was serious. I thought back to my high school days to see if I could relate. No - still not feeling it. ::wink:: I know how to bomb and THIS was not it. We were a bit disappointed to hear their tests went so poorly as we know they work on it daily. They are doing FAR better than we are on language lessons. ::cough::
On and on it went....
Until I got the following note from their teachers:
Hi Arielle and Nolan (and De'Etta),
I'm happy to give you your test results today! Nolan 95% and
Arielle 97%. Don't forget to STUDY those verbs!!!
Looking forward to seeing you and working on Chaper 7 Monday!
Take care,
Seriously? THIS is a choke? THIS is a bomb? THIS is humiliating. Bah humbug!
I honestly do NOTHING to produce such over-achieving homeschool stereotypes. They must have received that gene from their father.