Wednesday, January 03, 2007

1/2 way through another week....

I made Dutch Babies (German Pancakes) for breakfast, by request. I'm enjoying the extra family time in the mornings.....we made a LIST of all the projects we want to get done this week before we start back to school on Monday.

I got a nice ride in today - in the rain. ::blech::

Josiah worked on pulling assignments together for the past 9 weeks. I want to check their portfolios more often this year.

Jamin and I took Christmas decorations down. It is rainy today so we will do the outside stuff later. We also rearranged the living room furniture.

Jared and Arielle tackled another big project on the list. They organized the dreaded "Tupperware" cupboard. Josiah helped them put child proof things on the bottom cupboard and we moved the glass down there. The idea is now we can FIND "Tupperware" to use when we need it. ::snort::

Stacia took a long nap - OK - we forgot about her in the bustle of working and she didn't get up until 7:00 p.m. I'm not sure when she'll go back down again.

Zander and I played a round of Dino Bingo.

We had Encore Presentation again for dinner...there are so many to eat up.

We began reading *King Arthur* tonight. Jamin, Jared, Arielle, Nolan and I played 30 minutes or so of Imagin Iff. We missed having Josiah and the girls around the table. The children all went to bed. Zander and Stacia are not sleeping....but they're relatively quiet.

Surrounded By Joy

I said last night that I was surrounded by joy. I am literally surrounded by joy. Those who know me know that "joy" is not what would have formerly characterized my life. Anger/temper was really more characteristic of my overall life and outlook. Years ago, God began to lead me down a new path. It would be hard to say where it began....I do remember doing a word study on "joy" while studying James over 10 years ago. At this time I realized, "Huh - it doesn't mean air-head, bubbly Barbie type". ::snort::

The word joy signifies pleasure...but it is NOT dependent on pleasant circumstances. It is NOT in other words "happy". It signifies a deep contentment with God, with what He provides and where He leads. Joy is rooted in God's nature. It is produced in my life as a fruit of the spirit - I don't conjure it up. I walk ever closer in relationship with the Holy Spirit and the JOY OF THE LORD begins to flow into and out of my life. I began to ask God for joy. The journey began.

Two years ago our PWOC group in AK wanted to study James. I was excited. I love that book. I had already led an inductive study on it and I KNEW how powerful that small book is. This study happened to "coincide" with a lot of "hard" things that began to go on in my life. I was in chronic pain. My leg and hip would give out without warning. I was still experiencing joy. My wrists began to ache. They got to the point where I could not hold a pen. I was told it was most likely early MS....or maybe fibro. Choosing Joy. I found out I was pregnant. I was terribly sick. I remember one night going into the chapel to lead Bible hip gave out - I was down. . . pregnant and in the warning....and I said, "Alright God, I'm going to CHOOSE JOY. I know you are doing something here and I am not going to blow this learning opportunity." Docs now thought my wrist pain was pregnancy related. (Part was/part wasn't). As the Bible study went on, I was told that I failed some genetic test and my baby had a good chance of having Downs. I had an ultrasound and the baby's heart and kidneys were somehow not functioning correctly. I found out we were moving back to TX and this wasn't my heart's desire (though I do love it now). I was told baby's chance of Downs was now 1/4. I was told to expect pre-eclampsia again (had it with 8th pregnancy). We moved. Through all this time a steady refrain sounded in my spirit "CHOOSE JOY"....some days it was almost audible..."Will you still choose joy?"......."STILL choosing joy down here". ::snort:: I had a healthy baby....except that something was wrong with her kidneys. More tests. She's fine. Choosing joy....WHAT IS THIS? A week after birth my blood pressure sky rocketed, I began to seize and nearly died....back in bed..did you know you can get pre-ecalmpsia AFTER you give birth? Choosing joy....Two oldest left for college...choosing joy...can't hold a bottle or baby hands and wrists are so bad...told now it's aging and arthritis...choosing joy.....and there you have it. God BREATHED the precious Holy Spirit's fruit into my life. Things are better now. Pain wise - I have flare ups but the pain is not constant. Anastacia Joy is a doll and has no lasting health problems. I have friends and am adjusting to TX once again.

Still I hear the steady call of the Love of my life to choose choose His choose to rest in Him regardless.......

So yesterday was hard...but I kept hearing "choose joy". I began to look around my home and realized that I was surrounded by joy these days.

Sent by an SHS friend

Bre makes bibs for each new baby and they hang in their room

This sign hangs on my window and will stay up this year

This lovely banner was made by one of my PWOC ladies in's a daily reminder to be soft, pliant and moldable in His hands....I moved this to right outside the laundry room door during Christmas decorating and I see it much more often now. I'm going to leave it there.

A great reminder to choose to wear the correct attire
Bre got this for me - she said "It reminded me of you, mom." Ah wow..tangible evidence of His work in my life.

Of course the blog title reminds me daily to check my choices. ::snort::

Last night a new friend stopped by. She asked if things were going o.k. and I cried. I HATE that. She didn't know the girls had left yesterday. She emailed late last night and guess what she reminded me that the "Joy of the Lord is my strength"....I'm surrounded by joy.


(Mike would want to know these tiny details folks! LOL)

They realized when they were eating with Rachel and Corinna, that if they catch the bus tonight it will throw off their connections all the way down the line. Corinna has taken them home with her and will take them back to the bus in the a.m.

I'm really amazed how this has all turned out. We got extra days with them. They got to come home (and weren't on a cancelled flight). They've had tons of adventure. NOW they get to visit with friends and mentor. LOL


The girls report that the roads are clear.

However, someone decided the bus needed to be serviced at Amarillo and they were two hours late leaving there. They were to catch a bus last night at 10 p.m. in Denver. They were 15 minutes late getting in. Don't you think they could have called ahead and said, "We're in town - we'll be there we have 10 passengers needing to transfer?" ::snort::

Yep - they missed the bus. The next one doesn't leave until tonight at 10 p.m. They have family and friends. They were worried about leaving the station and loosing their spot in line...but their old youth leader/mentor from AK lives in CO Springs. She drove up and spent the day with them. Well, last they called they were enjoying lunch in a French cafe. LOL

A funny is that they were separated on the bus and so couldn't quite "spread out" like they are used to. Bre said her partner finally exited in the Springs. Bre finally was able to fall asleep. She heard the announcer say "Denver" and thought "that doesn't concern me." Krista came and got her. We had a good laugh - no telling where she'd have ended up without her little sister. (Of course we know they would have woke her up - but we can't let her off this easily).