Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Science @ PWOC

I wrestled with taking ANOTHER day of school off  in an already short week of school. God smiled. I planned to send some food in with Michael today as our class had hospitality.....then I got a call from our facilitator about stepping in for her today. It was my joy to do so.....God smiled. 

The kids would have missed much if we stayed home. They dissected owl pellets in the home school room. Stacia found a vole skull in her pellet.

The lessons continued at home throughout the afternoon. They got lots of school in today. They were thrilled as we are studying Flying Creatures (Apologia Zoology) this year.

They even got Arielle to take a look. She wasn't thrilled when I told her she'd be doing the same in a month or so. 

I enjoyed a nice visit via phone with BreAnne. 

Michael and I enjoyed a quick talk before dinner was ready to come out of the oven. We were perplexed as we couldn't find Arielle. We didn't see her in the family room, we didn't remember her passing us on the stairs.....guess where we found her? 

Yuuki faithfully guards the oven! 
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...