Saturday, March 02, 2024


We loved going to the start of the Iditarod the year we went. In recent years there was always a church business meeting and then it became hard to get Dad out to the start in Willow. We need to make plans to go next year.  This is STILL momentous in our home. When the last dog reaches Nome, we will quit lighting our outside "Christmas" lights. We will be following along with the race. 

Though we aren't attending this year the Gherkins represented... Jared was at the ceremonial start in Anchorage. 

Photo from Jared

Jamin and Jenni were also at the ceremonial start and will be at the official re-start in Willow tomorrow afternoon. 

Photo from Jamin 

I can't help remembering attending the Willow restart of the Iditarod in 2019.   Nolan, Jamin and Josiah met us after church and drove out with us. Josiah LOVED the race and the dogs. He told me he was going to race one year just to say he raced it.  Such good memories. 

Spring will come....we are one milestone closer. 

Lazy Saturday

Saturdays are usually a slow start day for everyone other than Dad and I. Today was no exception. 

I was up and had a few hours to spend reading, studying, journaling, praying, baking today's bread, before I got Dad up. I got his day off and running....and then I ran to town to meet up with an "egg customer." 

After I dropped off the eggs, I stopped by Carr's to pick up Dad's meds. I discovered a good sale on many of the things I planned to get at Fred Meyers - so I shopped at Carr's instead. It was SO cold and windy in town. 

I received a fun package from Amazon. It's a birthday gift from a friend. I got a thick journal and two fun books - both non-fiction. Speaking of books, what happened to all our library staff? I'm sure I'll get to know the new folks, but I was surprised to see no familiar faces at the library this week. 

The girls have spent the day working on homework. 

When everyone is done, we have a date to watch Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame as none of us have seen it before. We've read the book and seen the play.... LOL 

Another lazy Saturday is in the bucket. 

1. VA checks.  

2. Fun birthday package