Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Gift of Love

Stacia has been talking for two weeks about how much she loves being my "travel buddy!" 

We leave tomorrow for Tokyo. The thing is - I have been feeling increasingly uneasy about the trip....but Michael, Jared, friends all think this is a good thing for me to do. Get back in the saddle, step on the fear, travel to Tokyo without the family and see that nothing huge will happen. ::snort:: 

We had  a girls trip planned in March....we were supposed to go the weekend after I got home from my Tokyo Trip.....then we had that quake and tsunami and the flights were cancelled. I've not wanted to go anywhere without all of us together. 

Tonight I got home at 9:30 from MOCA.....and decided it really was time to pack. I started a movie downloading and went up to my room. 

I discovered a gift of love....Stacia at work...I did repack... after all I DO need a swimsuit (though I can't find the bottoms), and t-shirts with dress slacks are exactly my style.....Yes, this trip is important. Michael and Jared are right. It will be good for me to see natural disasters don't happen every time I leave the kids. 

One gift of love deserves another. I've decided to leave the lap top at home. ::GASP:: I know if I take it, I will be up early and late working and I'd rather spend these days with the girls (and the other PWOC gals that are going too - what a hoot!).  I WILL have the ipad so I can check mail...but I won't be blogging or working on the many irons in the fire....they can wait until Monday a.m. 

Kids' movie is downloaded, Stevie Wonder downloaded, bags packed....time to call it a night. 

Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Tonight was the first night of MOCA. MOCA is a new outreach of PWOC (are you keeping up with the military speak? If not, click military buz above for translations. )

MOCA stands for Moms of College Aged - as in kids (we allow moms of Seniors - Moms of 98 yo).   Over the summer I began to realize mom's with children stateside is a demographic which we were missing.  We got chaplain approval. Ruth, a great friend who happens to be the PWOC Prayer Coordinator, agreed to help get it off the ground.

SWEET FELLOWSHIP tonight. Seven of us sharing our children, our hearts with each a safe environment. All agreed to commit to pray daily for each other's children and for our hearts as we are so far apart.  Several have seniors this year and I know the transition will be  much easier with a group of praying sisters who understand surrounding them.  Really....this is a whole new stage of parenting and it's a joy to offer each other support.

We agreed we want to meet monthly. We're trying to pick a good night. We don't want to conflict with any other chapel this point there is PWOC on Monday night, Book Club and PMOC on Tuesday, AWANA on Wed,  and Friday has PWOC Crafty Gals every other month and Date Night really....all those "once a month" things will add up if we aren't careful. We'll find a appears either Thursday or Friday.

Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

Visiting Reese

It was a WILD and CRAZY day.

The weather is wild.....two trees down, flooded streets as I drove home this evening.

We got school  done for the week - and that is QUITE an accomplishment given the pace of this week and the fact that we are taking Thursday and Friday off. We rock.

The girls and I got ready for a trip to the big town.....

Stacia LOVES to go play with Reese!

We ran errands. Lots going on with the end of the Fiscal Year at the chapel....and getting our gals all set to travel to conference. 

We took Jared to a job interview. 

Everyone kept forgetting to remind me of errands this week.....I hit on a great plan today. 

"Stacia, remind me to get gas and I'll buy you a candy bar at the gas station."

"Arielle, remind me to go to the pharmacy and I'll buy you a brownie." 

It worked. 

Tonight was MOCA - I'll blog that separate! I got out of there and ran by the chapel to see Tina, our amazing and slightly harried Fund's guru.

I got home and decided to download a new movie to the ipad for the long bus trips coming up this weekend. 

Good day - need to sleep soon. We have to be at the bus at 06:30. 

Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...