Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

I think I may have hit the proverbial wall. I'm drained. I want to sleep - but I need to keep doing the next thing. 

Today was full of farewells. It's becoming quickly apparent  we really ARE moving. One day and a wake up.  

We had thought we'd go to the beach today - after the farewell picnic -  instead we decided to just keep swimming. When I picked Michael up tonight his office was empty - we brought stuff home and turned out the lights. 

Michael has taken the kids to VIKINGS for dinner - all you can eat meat you grill at your table. I opted to keep swimming. I'm trying to retrieve movies from "the cloud" so we can sync our devices before the plane trip. 

Our goal is to be packed tonight so we can check in tomorrow at the terminal....but I'm not so sure it will happen.
photo credit: Angel Kittiyachavalit via photopin cc

I'm pretty sure the anemia/D deficiency/hypothyroid thing is why I feel like simply crawling into bed...and I'm also fairly certain that isn't the answer. 

Almost there.....almost. The thing is -  I don't want "plane day" to arrive and yet I'm ready for the move to be over and for us to be settled in CA. 

Yep - hello, dear familiar wall. I know this will all look different in a few weeks. 

Meanwhile we are cherishing our memories here in Misawa and trying desperately not to cling. God is doing a new thing and our hearts will catch up with our mission.

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...