For the first time in decades Michael has Saturdays off (rather than preparing for a Sunday service) and we are enjoying the added family time.
This morning we slept in.
Michael was able to Skype both Mom G and Mary K (his sister).
He fixed Stacia's bike tire; while Alex read another bit of The Hobbit with me.
THEN....we decided to go to Citizen's Forestry Park.
Stacia and Nolan
Arielle and Nolan
The hill is always a hit....Michael's torn rotator cuff has him on profile....he watched the fun today.
Arielle did really well with target practice today....
Yuuki was sure THIS was a new type of bird which she needed to track. Zander was stopped JUST before zinging a rock out to the man with his new wrist rocket (sling shot).
We drove around the back side of Lake Ogawarako.
We headed to a beach or two along 338. We got mildly stuck in the sand and flipped the hubs over to 4 wheel drive. We actually had some snow while we were at the beach...brrr. Still a bit nippy at times.
Arielle seems to take after her Grandma T. She simply can't stay awake. I looked back at some point in the afternoon and realized this is NOT the correct way to wear a seat belt!
Dinner was nothing of those "go to" meals. I'd defrosted chicken but we got home too late to fix it up for the kids. The plan now is to throw it in the crock pot sometime between the sunrise and the 11:00 service tomorrow. We'll have a hot meal waiting when we get back from exploring.
Bre has written a princess story for Stacia. It was perfect to read for family circle tonight. Good discussion followed. Michael and I broke into the "Do you Love me scene" from Fiddler on the Roof at one point. Ahem - one of us did some amazing improvising - much to the amazement of the rest of the family. ::wink:: Zander (Alex) made my month when he commented during our praise and prayer time, "I'm thankful our family circle is so fun." YES....we're getting it figured out...something that works for us...
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...