Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Terrific Tuesday

My day began by sharing a beautiful Alaskan sunrise with Arielle. We do not take this for granted. The sun is rising at a "normal" hour, an hour when we can enjoy its rising.....soon it will be rising at  0300.

Arielle was checking to be sure I was on tap to watch Benny today. He was sad to see his Mom and Dad leave for work, but bounced back quickly when I invited him to help me with laundry. 

We came upstairs for a bit and Benny was happy to play with Auntie. The keyboard is usually turned off. Stacia likes to practice with headphones and has only recently begun to practice without them. I really like HEARING the music. Benny was thrilled with the discovery that the big toy in the corner makes NOISE.

How quickly he can turn on the scowl! Shoot this new generation may take the Gherkin scowl to a whole new level. 
 He was not happy when I showed up as he was SURE I would make him stop playing. In truth, I didn't. I just wanted to photograph the moment.

Yuuki whines. Look closely and you'll see Benny sweetly "shushing" her. 

While Benny napped, I worked out and showered. He LOVED his hamburger at lunch. The phone camera couldn't catch it fast enough, but after each bite, he threw his hands in the air and celebrated.

I continued to wrestle some particular challenging passages in 1 John 5 and then left for Bible study. Stacia made dinner again - Apple meatballs and rice.

Nolan's Promotion

Nolan began working at McDonald's in July. He was a part time hire working 30 - 40 hours a week within a month. A month after THAT he was scheduled 40 hours a week, during the off-season. He routinely works overtime.  They began to train him in all areas, which means he's often the go-to guy to call when others call in at the last minute. He's received positive feedback.

 Nolan began the process of becoming a manager at the end of last year. Background check complete. Tests studied for and passed. Extra training completed. Last night he came home with his new uniforms.

Gone are the tight shiny black pants with the yellow and red trim, as well as the hat! He added a dress shirt, looser pants, a magnetic name tag and tie! Looking sharp. He's now considered a full time employee,  and got a another nice raise with the promotion.

He is being trained to be the opening manager - meaning he will once again have his weekends free. This schedule will work well with college classes. We're proud of you, Nolan.