Thursday, December 12, 2024

Visits of Cheer

These guys dropped by to visit. The boys ran in with a wrapped gift (see Sourdough cookbook above), a chai and some of Cory's coveted Roca. 

"Bachan! We knew you were sad," Danny excitedly shared. 

How can one stay sad with this crew around? 

They visited my snack crate, checked in with Papa...and then when Papa left for his appointment, we settled onto the couch to watch "The Star." That's about all the movement I wanted today. 

Mom loved DQ. I didn't feel like going out, but asked Michael to bring DQ home. I thought he'd know immediately WHY - because we don't do DQ. He decided to bring DQ home for the girls and I but opted for Burger King for he and Dad. ::snort:: Instead of Mom's beloved Blizzards we had a bite of ice cream later on. It was a fitting memorial.

I'm debating if I dare get out and try the walking and such to enjoy Colony Christmas. The weather is going to be so much warmer than typical...and I love getting out....but my knee still twinges and outright hurts with some movements. We will see how I'm doing in the a.m. I'm determined to rest and recover.  

1. Christmas visits from Grands two days in a row! 
2. Stacia is DONE with this semester!
3. Immanual. 

Missing Mom

It's been seven years since Mom lost her battle to cancer  triumphantly finished her well-run earthly race. I miss her.  I found myself lighting an Advent candle she loved, reaching for my journal and my Bible and sitting with memories this morning. 

 There are so many times in this past year when I simply felt a NEED to talk to Mom. She's never had child lost to homicide, or even lost a child, but one feels a mom would be helpful. I feel acutely the loss of an older godly woman in my daily life. I will have to find an older woman and cultivate a relationship with her. 

There are a few things I've typically done to honor her memory at this time of year. I take a meal to someone in need or a widow and I host a Dec 23rd tea for my girls.  I don't think I'll be doing either of these this year, or at least not on "schedule." I'm not quite up to shopping, preparing and delivering a meal today.  The Christmas Eve Eve tea hasn't worked the past couple of years, and I've not even tried for this year. ::snort::  Maybe we'll go to Dairy Queen tonight.  Dad doesn't seem to remember the significance of the day - I don't think I'll remind him.

I still miss mom.