Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I really don't need cards and gifts on a specific day to feel loved as a mother. It used to be very important to me...but over the years not so much.  Probably because my kids do a great job of spoiling me throughout the year - my tank is full.  It's overflowing after Mother's Day. 

We planned a laid back day. We went to chapel. I chose to grill at home rather than fight the crowds in town. We puttered around. Kids called, texted, emailed....

We re-potted a plant

Played games

Yes, there were gifts. Michael and the kids spoiled me this year. I had flowers from Michael, roses from the kids and carnations from the Chapel.  I also got a really cool hummingbird feeder...Michael made the nectar for it. I'm really excited to have something besides snakes and pigeons in the yard.

A bit tired of the camera man - not me
The kids went together and got me a gel nail starter kit.   It will save significant spending money if I learn to do this at home. This is NOT a mother's day gift. Michael decided to plant watermelon in a bag.....

He also made two of these containers....and I'm happy.  I've spent too many months trying to decide what to do about container gardening. 

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...