Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday Surprises

I was finished with Bible study;  the house was still dark and quiet. I decided to do a bit of computer work. It wasn't long until I heard a little whisper, "Bachan, moo."  Benny had crept up for a visit and discovered the new puzzle I bought at a thrift store. Benny was a great morning surprise. We enjoyed a bit of playing, some snuggles and then he was off to work with Arielle. Cory's mom has been in town and we've not seen much of Benny the past few days. 

We rushed through school and three of us headed for the church. We spent the day setting up a carnival for GLOW night. (IF I had finished blogging from last year, I would link to last year's fun). GLOW night is a community outreach we do each year at this time.  We were so busy I forgot to take photos. 

We got home and discovered Michael working on  the RV. SURPRISE - the girls moved into the house tonight. We needed to clear boxes from the study and set up stacia's bed....then bring their things in from outside.  They got it done while I fixed dinner.
A nightmare for the claustrophobic - a dream come true for a bibliophile
Stacia's dresser fit in the study and is OUT of our entry way. This will help her feel more settled since her room was cleared for Dad.

Stacia's  yarn stash.

Finishing details....

The guys, not to be outdone, rearranged their room so they could set up a computer which had been stored in the study. 

The day began with a surprise visit and ended with a surprise project or two. It's going to work well.  We'll use much less electricity and propane with the girls inside,  we can winterize and not worry about hauling black water in sub-freezing weather. LOL  We had put this off to give CoRielle privacy downstairs...but they'll soon be in their own home and for peace of mind it is better to have the girls inside now. LOL