Yes, we did get snow. A lot of it. Krista and Luke made a good call to cancel the ski trip/cabin adventure. I went out to take Alex to work at 0430 and had to dig the wheels out of the snow. I made first tracks all the way into town. I think I officially earned my winter driving cred with this one. Maybe all will quit worrying. I've not gone off the road since Misawa.
Millie barks to go out, but changes her mind when she sees the deck and feels the cold. LOL
Unfortunately, if we want to be able to GET OUT of our driveway with a measure of safety others had to go out in the mess. I found slip sliding up the incline exhilarating but Michael thinks it best to clear the driveway.
And then the tractor/plow got stuck!
Fun times!
* Today is the 10th anniversary of the Tohoku Quake and event we lived through, an event which changed us. I really should write more, but I don't have it in me just now. We have found ourselves drawing inward as the day approached.