Tuesday, February 07, 2023

A LONG, Productive Day

 I did not break ANY eggs this a.m. Unfortunately, I had to collect eggs at 0730 and the hens had only laid 4 eggs. 

This morning's workout is brought to you by all YouTube Kids. The boys are loving the Hulk Chase. 

We moved into their room to play "hot lava." Hot lava involves balls and keep the 2 year olds off the top bunk. LOL 

The boys humored me by making more artwork for my empty gallery. I told them all the Christmas cards were down and I needed MORE drawings. It's fun to watch their imaginations at work. 

Michael hauled in towers of boxes. 

I ran to Carr's to pick up Dad's meds. 

I ran to the library to pick up a book for Stacia (and I found more for myself). 

Michael took Dad to get a paper notarized and to mail said paper to his lawyer. 

I packed up some books of Allie's we needed to return to our charter school. Michael drove them over. 

He stopped and bought another snow shovel...ugh!!! Those things are NOT cheap. The snow doesn't seem to be letting up...so...what you gonna do? 

While Michael was gone I finished packing away CHRISTMAS. Yes, CHRISTMAS. The problem with celebrating on Jan 6th is that the schedule is in full swing and there is no down time to pack things away..... This year it was even more complicated as I lost time due to the concussion.  Last night we took down the tree. Michael helped me string the lights around the windows. 

Last year we had a fall tree, Christmas tree, Valentine's tree, Iditarod tree and Easter tree...in other words it didn't come down until April.  This year we tried moving the tree from the corner to one of the center walls. I NEEDED my living room space back. I didn't love the tree in the middle of the room. I realized the thing I loved about the tree was the lights through the winter...so we kept the lights. LOL 

We couldn't find the tubs to pack away ornaments, but everything else is packed into boxes and things are back in their right places. I'll deal with the ornaments tomorrow. 

Stacia and I made dinner - cauliflower nuggets, ribs, homemade biscuits, and salad. Yum.  She's off to work on her Bible study and I'm about to join Michael and GG in the living room to relax at the end of a long, but productive day.