A group of homeschoolers from Beale went to
The Worm Farm in Durham, CA. This is a fantastic field trip. Arielle and Nolan went with us. Arielle does NOT like worms, has never touched one, avoids them at all costs - but she got to drive. ::snort::
We arrived earlier than the group who lives on base. Rachel and kids were there already. The owner was nice to show us a few things and we enjoyed chatting. I actually am surprised how fascinating he made worms.
This is about the time he told the kids you can eat worms. He was joking.
I counted 31 of us. He gave a great talk inside about worms bodies, lives et al. We learned there were some very worm wise kids in our midst.
Isn't that logo darling?
After our talk we headed out to the worm beds.
The kids had a good time handling worms - and searching for mating pairs, eggs, and cocoons (?).
She's holding one....
And THERE - Arielle finally touches a worm!
A mating pair of worms
Nathan had a handful....which he bedded down safely
This had all been fun - the kids were interacting and seemed to be enjoying themselves. We'd certainly learned new thing....but the best was yet to come. They had piles and piles of compost....he led us to a giant pile inside a barn....I wasn't sure the older kids would participate...Arielle was the oldest student on the trip...and she couldn't resist the lure of giant piles of worm poop!
Love Stacia's face....she had a hard time getting over the idea...
ACK - get your hair out of it!
Arielle and Seth went down several times together
I think all the walkers went down.
After thoroughly washing, the kids were all given juice and cookies.
Some went home after this. It was drizzling and a picnic in the park was iffy! HOWEVER, the park was great and had a covered pavilion.
The rain let up and we had a nice hour or so of playing. I have many more photos but don't want to post them without parent's permission so you get photos of Matt and Rachel's and ours.
I was impressed at this parking job....notice the wheels...didn't even hit.
This little one greeted me with "Gemma," but she won't often let me hold her. Ah well.
I was enjoying Mom Talk and didn't really take many photos at the park! We stopped and picked up Papa Murphy's for dinner. I was freezing when we got home - and took advantage of the hot tub. Eventually, Stacia and then Michael joined us. It was a perfectly lazy afternoon - followed by pizza and episodes of, "I Love Lucy," "Star Trek" and "The Cosby Show. "
AND we got two more weeks of our core curriculum done this week. One more week of doubling it and we can go back to a normal pace and still finish the last week of May. We're THAT good! ::snort::
Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...