Wednesday, March 08, 2023

More Photos from Gherkins

 It's just been a day of monitoring Dad's symptoms, finishing up a quarter of school for Stacia and Allie, chores around here for Michael and I...and Bible study/youth group tonight. 

But look - photos from adult Gherkins! All photos in this post were taken by others.

 Oh, these two darlings! Josiah (BreZaak's) reads a story to Trudy. 

Bre's text with this sweet photo came at the perfect time - a time when I needed a bit of a glimpse of something outside of our walls. LOL 

Jamin stopped by to change out of his realtor clothes into jogging clothes. He's training for some crazy marathon thing again....and was going to run up Lazy Mountain...which he proceeded to do. 

Krista and Luke enjoyed exploring the state from the back of snow machines. 

Reno got to go to work with Krista. 

And, these folks are home, and sharing memories of a place far, far away. This was Danny and Little Buddy's first trip to the beach. I am not sure about Benny. I know it's the first time they've traveled as a family of five. CoRielle spent weeks doing sensory work with Little Buddy and it seems to have really paid off and made this an enjoyable experience for all. 

Benny, Danny, Little Buddy 

Cory and Arielle 

Arielle and Stacia

His happy place

Sweet Family 

Danny & Stacia 

This little one was so SAD to be back in Alaska. I know the whip lash feeling and can only hope we help him find the joy of being in Alaska again. LOL  He told me he didn't want to leave Hawaii. 

Hawaii has a way of stealing one's the same was as Alaska, though for different reasons...we are now dreaming of a giant Gherkin Hawaiin trip. It could happen. Not sure which island would be best....their experience was far more rural than ours on waikiki. 

BTW it WAS 34* today and things are starting to melt. We still have 6 feet of snow or so outside. Of course it's packing down now...but there are bare roads. I am hoping it's break up/spring. I usually call it wrong...and old timers will correct me...but maybe it's break up?