Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I've needed new plates for quite a bit of time. I'm cheap frugal. I refused to buy plates in Japan I didn't totally love.  The kids did buy me some which I've decided are special as they are from the kids and from Japan. I use them and my set of 4 Polish pottery together. I still needed every day plates.

I wanted fiesta ware - but for 20 years I've not been able to bring myself to buy them. These from Walmart make me smile. I bought mixed colors. I like varied colors at the table. I like to see the plates sitting in the stand - all mixed up. I suppose I love diversity, spontaneity, chaos....but alas.....I load the dishes, put them away and they just magically sort themselves into matching colors. Every single time.  I even grab a couple of each color to set out for dinner - but if it's Zander's week as kitchen helper - he puts them back and sets out matching. The others will let me have the pleasure of chaotic dinner plates, but sort them when they put them away.

I'm surrounded by a group of matchy-matchy OCD types. I noted this last Christmas when  they dumped all the M & M's on to the table and began to sort them into colors before they ate them. Who ever?????

I suppose I should give up. It's a gift to Zander (and the other matchy-matchy Gherks in the house) to leave them "properly sorted."   He likes structure and order. I just hope they read this and maybe one day month give in to MY need for chaos, color and diversity. LOL

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...