Friday, May 14, 2021

"Baachan loves me a LOT!"

This is the day Benny went home from our house and told his Daddy, "Baachan played ...." and listed all the games we'd played and things we'd done..."I think she really loves me A LOT."  He melted my heart. He's right, I do love him a lot...and I discovered on this spring day one of his love languages has got to be "quality time." 

Arielle makes no secret she struggles with anxiety. I'm proud of how well she battles. We didn't realize the struggles she had when she was young and in our home. Now that we do, we do what we can to support her as she learns what works well for her. She called this day and said she needed out - but she needed a safe spot for the boys to be.  She thought of dropping them and decided to stay instead and soak up some of the vibes from our lazy sanctuary. LOL 

While Arielle soaked up some rays and cuddled with Danny.....Benny and I picked flowers, they ALWAYS go into this special vase from Korea which is reserved for flowers from our grandblessings (or anyone else that cares to pick me a dandelion).

Benny helped weed a garden bed and water the seedlings in our little greenhouse/covered beds.  We also played badminton, volleyball, catch, frisbee, croquet of sorts, and  all manner of games  on the swing set.

Danny is nearly six months old. 

I brought GG down to sit with us...we had snacks....Stacia joined us. 

GG is pretty committed to reading the Anchorage Democratic Nonsense.  Anchorage Daily News. I actually am waiting for the next round of hit articles on his grandson to hit the paper. There haven't been any in the two years he's lived up here. LOL 

It was a lovely day and we all went back to our routines refreshed in spirit and enjoying the benefits of an extra dose of Vitamin D.