Friday, October 21, 2022

The Magic of Insomnia

The great thing about insomnia in Alaska is it has the potential of being a magical adventure! I got up at about 2 a.m. and wandered into the nook. I leaned over to close the blinds so that the light from Alex leaving at 4:45 wouldn't wake me up.  What an odd fog I saw...and then I was the Northern Lights. 


My camera was not doing them justice. Michael loves the lights, I took a chance and woke him up. He got his "real camera" out and got some good shots.  These were taken from GG's ramp. We could stand there and be in the middle of the yard and see all directions. 

In addition to the lights the STARS were amazing last night. It's been a while since it was dark enough for the stars to shine.  We even got a bit of the meteor shower - or shooting stars as I prefer to call them. 

These are from our deck. The lights were beautiful dancing over the mountain ranges and into the trees. 

Michael mentioned the lights would be beautiful from the top of the mountain. I was slipperless, in a thin robe and didn't take the hint. Maybe we'll bundle up and go for a drive next time. LOL 

It is my intention to embrace each season. As our days shorten and the dark lengthens, we see more and more starts and light activity. One can't help but be excited about this winter blessing.