This is going to be a long post. I know my propensity to get STUCK on events with lots of photos. Last year I didn't post the gingerbread competition for MONTHS. I have determined I WILL get this done...even if it isn't perfect.... I posted the competition photos last night...determined not to break faith with the oh-so-competitive-gherkins.
It is now Jan 1st, 2022...though I will post this to show 12-31-21. I have spent time with Jesus. Alex had to go to work but not one other person has manifested, and it is 11:03 a.m. I downloaded adobe on my laptop. I tried to figure out the program. I need a person to sit with me, I think. BUT I am going to post today!
Here goes! New Year's Eve! I don't know WHY it took me so long to realize wearing a headlamp would make the morning chores so much easier!
Grandpa and Michael slept in. Stacia went shopping with CoRielle for gingerbread team supplies. Allie and I worked on caramel corn. My sugar free batch was horrendous.
We love NYE. Carrie had to work...and JaRissa are in Juneau. Everyone else dropped by at some point of the night. Josiah and Liv arrived first. Josiah was sweet enough to promptly help Michael attack the ice in the driveway. Pickaxes y'all. It's serious.
Unfortunately, it snowed all night and it's going to be a mess today (Jan 1st). CoRielle arrived next.
Millie checking out Danny |
Jamin showed up next. About the time Bre and the kids arrived it was time to put Millie downstairs. There was too much activity and too many people. Izaak had a party he had to attend at True North and didn't make it.
Danny & Annie ignore the chaos |
We had a dinner of pizza and quite an array of munchies set out for the night. After eating, the first order of business was the GINGERBREAD COMPETITION.
Guy's Team |
Girl's Team |
Liv & Bella were big helpers |
These two were also interested in EATING gingerbread pieces.
As the night wore on Gideon and Benny got tired of helping the big guys. Bre had brought little gingerbread house packets. We had looked for little kits in the stores and they were out. THESE were self-adhesive which are WONDERFUL. I plan to order more for next year. The boys and Annie and Bre and I sat down to work on them. Eventually Bella and Livie put one together too.
Gideon is very detailed and deliberate |
I had just said to Benny, "Where is the best place to put this one?" Speaking of the yellow dot he's holding. This is the look I got. Then he put it on my nose....
love that spark |
Annie's house was beautiful |
Sporting our dots |
It appears the dots are contagious. |
Santa, Benny. |
Very colorful gingerbread man |
Luke, Krista and kids stopped by about 7:45 p.m.
Around 8 p.m. everyone began to bundle up to go outside. Michael started a fire in the fire ring. Jamin, Josiah and Michael had shoveled more around the fire ring, out the back door, and a nice spot for a table with fireworks. This year Michael and Josiah bought about a 1/3 less fireworks. It was still an hour and a half of fireworks. LOL
Dad decided he didn't want his feet to get cold. The past week has proven we have to keep an even closer eye on Dad. He's ignored the "safety rules" a few times and we can't just "run out" and trust he'll be o.k. I know he wants to do away with the walker...but he keeps falling because he takes every opportunity to ditch it...trying hard to keep him safe and yet not develop an adversarial relationship. This is probably one reason family's choose alternate care for their aging loved ones. No one likes being the heavy. All that to say I stayed inside with him. After the first round of fireworks, Gideon came inside with us.
In a bit more time Cory came in with Danny. He worried about making Danny hate fireworks as he wasn't enjoying he stayed in with Dad and Gideon and I got to go outside.
After about 45 minutes or so, Bre, Annie and Jojo came inside. Luke and the kids came in and kept Millie company. The fire is essential.
Livie and Allie |
Livie, Allie, Luke, Rylan, Kaylyn, Krista, Stacia, Arielle |
Each child was paired with an adult.
Stacia and Bella |
Arielle and Benny |
Allie & Livie |
The snow and fireworks were magical |
Bre & Jojo - the 12m snow suit happens to be pink; he rocked it! |
My boyfriend |
Cory and Benny - Great smiles! |
Stacia, Allie, Livie, Danny & Arielle |
Luke & Rylan |
Bella, Annie (face plant?), Bennie |
Sparklers are magical -📷byArielle |
📷byArielle |
I have come to really enjoy our New Year's Eve fireworks. We can do them at our speed. When we get cold we can go inside and warm up. The fire and snow add a magical touch. It's a good thing.