Monday, October 26, 2015


Hmmmm.....I've received several texts and calls from friends and family asking, "Where are you now? What are you doing? Is everything o.k."  This is a sure sign it's time to blog.

Thursday we continued driving towards Beale AFB. The Fam Camp was full and so we moved to the Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds! This weekend was a  big square dancing weekend at our fairground...200 RVs, we were told 2,000 attending the dances and workshops. This makes for a busy place with 3 showers. ::snort:: In any EVENT....the wagon master graciously allowed us to stay at the fairgrounds, with the stipulation we be apart from the dancers. We were in a field - all alone. It was shady and nice but a bit unnerving and vulnerable feeling at nighttime.  Today, we moved into the treed area, closer to the buildings and away from the perimeter fence. There are now only two of us staying here. It's green, quiet, secure and secluded. It's also fairly centrally located for all we need to do.

Enjoying "camping" at the deserted fairgrounds
#WYFF? SCHOOOOOOOL! Michael headed to the base with a list of things he needed to take care of, the kids and I hit book schooling HARD. We documented all our field trips of the past six weeks and realized, "We've schooled a lot." But now we're pushing hard on books for a week or two so we can do more fun trips. LOL

Saturday was a day for FRIENDS and records.  Stacia and I got up bright and early and picked up Maya. We enjoyed breakfast, a pet store and Target together before we returned her home in time for her afternoon commitments.

Michael was spread out and plowing through his medical records in preparation of meeting with a VSO (Veterans Service Organization). This is a big project.  I took the kids out for the afternoon.

Sunday, we visited chapel and listened to one of our favorite chaplains preach.  It was timely to be reminded about the characteristics of Genuine Faith. My heart and soul were blessed to see Emma's excited happy dance when she saw us coming across the parking lot. We got to see many dear was great....and I didn't take a single photo.

We went to lunch with the D family - so happy for time together before they move overseas.

Always prepared with cards in case of long delays due to parental chatting
 Sunday afternoon Michael continued to work on medical records. Sunday night we had blessed fellowship with Maya, Jyoti, her mother, and Phil and Beverly, her grandparents.

Today we pushed hard on school again.  Michael finished going through his medical records. He came up with 7 pages of items listed. Our next step is a VSO.
These huge notebooks contain one copy of Michael's records
all tabbed and ready to go.

We spent time with Rachel and the kids. Eliana has grown so photos don't do her justice. This visit was also good for my heart and soul.

Rachel, an adopted daughter, and Eliana - stunned by the flash

Having fun reconnecting

"Grandma De'Etta" and Joy - Reunions with my little girls have been sweet
This one was caught on film
 Beverly called with the news she baked homemade bread for us. We headed over to pick it up and then  settled in for dinner.

There you have it. We won't be traveling again until at least 1 Nov. No fears we've driven off a cliff or been blown away in a hurricane if you don't hear from us.