Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why I Don't Drive in the Winter

Michael has been telling me they are plowing more of the roads this year.  I was happy to hear they were plowing the roads out by us. I've shared how we often find cars stuck - dead in their tracks.

Yes, they started to plow the road....but evidently  the snow plow couldn't make it all the way through....and I'm content to stay home or let Michael drive.

This is the pretty little shed in the middle of the rice fields. 

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

Hitting the Target

The above target has hung beside my desk in the dining room. It went to local board meetings as a reminder to STAY ON TARGET. ::wink:: It is a daily reminder to me to live a life of simplicity...with the challenges of local and regional ministry to focus on the Bull's Eye of the ministry. This boiled down to being sure I was Loving God and Loving Others and providing an atmosphere where women could experience and do the same.  This past summer I traveled to Korea and Tokyo and shared how PWOC leaders must live a life of simplicity, aim for the bull's eye of our ministry.  When assigned this topic, I KNEW my target would travel with me - and it did.  Our ministry bull's eye: Lead women to Christ, Teach women on a solid foundation of worship and Bible study, Develop in women spiritual disciplines which lead to spiritual development, Involve women in the work of the Chapel in keeping with their abilities and interests.   These goals will continue. 

I packed it away at Christmas time and hung a Christmas countdown in it's place. I felt a twinge of sadness when I unpacked it. I considered not hanging it back by my desk. When I packed it away we had not heard the news yet that PWOC would be making big changes to their structure. The International and Regional leadership roles will go away on  28 Feb. I'm no longer an active local PWOC leader...did I really need to hang it back up? 

In the end I did...because I will be faithful to this leadership position until the position ends...and then, I will continue to  mentor those leaders who may choose to maintain contact with me. The calling will not go away because the structure of PWOC changes.  Nevertheless, things ARE changing.....

And into this void, this void where God led, He is speaking something new....a new focus...and I'm o.k.  The call to mentor, to intentionally make disciples will continue...regardless the framework or our location...because that is a command from God (Matt 28:19,20 among other places).  I find  in the crush of having to define ministry priorities to home, local and beyond (said in a space agey way) much face to face mentoring had to go. There has been mentoring...of leaders and that's been good.  There's been informal mentoring and mentoring in Bible study care groups. But intentional mentoring of the next generation has taken a back seat...because I needed to focus on my family and with the leadership role and my family I was maxed out.  In the past weeks I've had six young women ask me to mentor them. I'm not even in a Bible study. Many don't  know me as they're new here. I spend each week with their kids.  I'm listening and watching to see what God is doing. I know  he isn't done with me just because structure has changed, we are moving, we will retire in 2 years, there may not be a PWOC at my next base.....the command to make disciples remains. 

Yes, I rehung the target....and the center of it may change on 1 March....but it remains as a good reminder to seek His priorities in this last phase of regional service. 

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

I John Update

By Friday night the four us taking the challenge to memorize I John had the first four verses memorized in our version of choice.  Our goal this week is I John 1:5-7 (and I find I've already mostly got it! YES).  Apart for the joy of simply being in the Word and having it take root in the fun of the common goal, the camaraderie of working together towards something which is easy for some of us and difficult for others of us...increases our compassion for each other.

Michael is memorizing from NASB 1975. Nolan and I from NASB 1995. Arielle from NIV and NASB 1995.  I refuse to let Michael and Arielle say their verses to me until I have them cemented in my mind or I'll have a terrible mish-mash. ::snort::

The photo above shares a glimpse into my journey through I John. I'll have to highlight other's practices in weeks to come. 

The ipad shows a variety of versions and the highlighted verses are the ones I've memorized. 

The journal has 10 pages of notes, questions, 11 word studies and 10 pages of notes from I John 1:1-4. 

The index cards contain the verses I'm working on written out and can easily go where I go. 

My Bible...yes, I'm marking key words, contrasts, adding word definitions....

And I never guess I could slow down this much and not be bored in a book I've taught numerous times.  

The word of God is alive! Sharp! Profitable! Exciting! 

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...