The first year we were here there was no MOSC Bazaar.
The second year we were here I looked; but didn't buy.
The third year I thought it was our last year. I wanted a step tansu....and we bought one...which I still love.
I believe Michael is happy the fourth year is our last year.
I've been thinking about things I'd like to have before we leave Japan. I have a quilt from each state we've lived in. I have been debating about buying a REAL Kimono (as opposed to the ones I got from the Dirty Obi shop) to hang on the wall in place of a quilt. I'm always on the look out for artwork. I do want to buy some more Japanese dishes. I've recently seen a tea box - and now would like to figure out where to get one and cover it with washi paper.....just a few things..... ::wink::
We've promised the girls to replace their dressers...the drawers had caved in; they'd been repaired several times but it was really time to replace them - even though we move in a year. The dressers we've been seeing were 1. spendy and 2. nothing special. Michael suggested we wait and try the Bazaar.....
Score - the girls picked out two dressers with hand painted blossoms on them. They are very happy with them. I think these will last many, many years...and be a touch of Japan for them in the future.
I really, really had my eye on a Tibetan Trunk or cupboard.....but in the end...THIS seemed much more practical. The Korean salesman tried to tell me I could put all my laundry in it...not OUR laundry. LOL
It's a Korean Medicine Chest - the writing on the drawers are the names of various drugs. It now sits in my living room and houses all our DVD/Videos.....and it MUCH nicer than the mess it replaced.
I would not have focused on this until the saleslady pointed it out - I love it.
I looked for Kimonos. There were some gorgeous ones. They were expensive. They were big. I wasn't sure if 15 years from now I'd want a Kimono to be the focal point of my house...and so I opted to buy an obi (pictured below) which will hang nicely on a wall and serve the same purpose.
I also bought a few pieces of sea glass jewelry. I simply couldn't resist. We snuck Stacia a sweet piece which I'll give her at Christmas or for her next birthday. She's really young for it - but she loves it and she's been my sea glass collecting partner for these 3 1/2 years.
I couldn't resist this wood block print. I LOVE the holiday the carp symbolize - boy's day. A kite is hung for each boy.... it is rare to find a print with FIVE carps...and so I got it.
Seriously...other than dishes (and that may be a genetic flaw as I note my Grams and Mom sure collected a lot....I seemed to have escaped the bug until the last 7 years)......I think the tea box is the only thing I really want to find before I leave.
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...