Friday, June 30, 2006

Family Movie Night

We have no Netflix movie here that the older boys won’t want to see when they get home. Mike sent them into our video closet to pull out a movie…but then he put his pick on “Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang”. I do like the music in this movie. I do like the start of this movie. However, I’m totally lost when they get to all this fantasy stuff…even ZANDER gets it and I’m totally lost and thinking it’s plain crazy. I can’t figure the point of the movie out. I can’t figure out if it is supposed to tell me something. I can’t follow the plot at all at this point…and I’ve watched this movie for over 15 years now…since the first time Mike set Bre and Krista down to watch it. I wonder if I missed something crucial in this stage of my development by being in the Jungles of Liberia where we did not have Mother Goose, and movies like this…….:::snort::::
Free E Book...

Looking for some new ideas? Download and print (or print from the site) *Fast & Healthy Meals for Busy Moms* from Urban Homemakers.

After our free game of bowling we thought we’d go swimming at China Beach. I had visions of some cool pictures…but alas…the command post called and closed the pool due to lightening. I’ve yet to see lots of lightening but we left the base before the storm would have hit the base. We decided to go on over to a park for an hour – and that was fun. The wind did pick up, the sky got dark, a few lightening flashes flashed…but still no real big storm. We’ll see.
I thought I was having company tonight so headed home to get ready…but now we aren’t having company so we plan to veg out as a “small family”. We miss the 4 world travelers…looking forward to hearing more from AK soon.
After lunch today we headed over to the base’s bowling ally. I plan to take advantage of this one free game a day plan as much as possible. Adrienne and her children and Tricia and her children met us there. Things I learned: don’t put all the little kids on one lane again – they are about twice as slow as the big ones. Make sure Zander is well-rested before adding the stimulation of lots of peers at the bowling ally. Bowling Ally’s are NOISEY!!! We did have fun. This is not the best venue for Mom's to visit. {G}

Here are some pictures from the adventure. Remember when the lane seemed sooooo long and any ball that reached the pins was a successful ball??????
Salad Dressing
In an effort to make salad and fresh veggies seem like something NEW….I tried a new salad dressing recipe. Laura on SHS shared this one and it is good.

Honey Poppy Seed Dressing:
1 1/2 C. honey
1 3/4 t. ground mustard
1 3/4 t. salt
2/3 C. apple cider vinegar
2 T. onion flakes
1 T. poppy seeds
1 C. salad oil (I prefer sunflower over canola, but you could use either)
Combine honey, mustard, salt and vinegar in a non-reactive pan. Mix well and heat to lukewarm. Place mixture in a blender. On low setting, gradually add oil in a thin stream. Mix in onion flakes and poppy seeds. Chill

*I’m not sure why you need to heat the honey and vinegar. All my salad dressings are now a base of oil, vinegar and honey and I don’t heat them. I wonder why it’s heated here….I’ll have to ask. I used 2 tsp of the dry mustard and 1 ½ tsp of salt…..
Rascal the Quail

Hmmm…there are strange things going on in the bird world today. Rascal has laid a GREY egg. She is also making the strangest new sound. I have no clue what any of this means…..