Thursday, January 08, 2015

Day of Silence

I left the house this morning with the intention of bringing Michael home. Dr. Fahey decided to keep him another day.  It was a good call.

I spent another quiet day with Michael. We didn't talk much.....

He read Lord of the Rings
He tried to write emails
He "ate" dinner

Do you see a common theme? ::snort:: Throughout the day he lost various tubes and such. He's down to oxygen, pain pump and an IV....we went for three walks up the hall....all in all a good day. A sleepy day.

I read more from The Reason For God.  I did a bit of PWOC stuff. I talked with Gopi, our nurse.

Blessings for the day:
  • Time with Michael
  • Great care at Sutter Surgical Hospital North Valley - highly recommended and close to home
  • Days of solitude and silence - wasn't quite how I envisioned it - but it's good
  • Bowl of soup from a local café - sitting by the fountain from the Farmer's Market
  • Blanket from the warmer - love Gopi.
  • Father Frank and Ed came by with flowers and snacks - and left dinner for the kids again.
  • Arielle made muffins for Moms & Mentors (M&Ms) so I didn't have to when I got home.
Funny from the day:

The hospital has chefs. They come around in their chef's uniform to ask what you'd like for meals - a few times a day. Michael could have anything he wanted - as long as he realized it would be put in a blender before it reached his room.  Our gal asked if I'd like to have a complimentary dinner. Why not? She told me tonight was "shrimp and steak." I told her I was vegan and I'd grab something when I got home. She told me she could make me a  vegan meal. Dinner came. I had a bowl of mashed potatoes. Just like Michael's......and HE got 7-up and yogurt too. ::snort::  Cracked me up - my first chef prepared vegan meal - a bowl of mashed potatoes. They WERE good.

Choosing Joy!
©2015 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...