Monday, August 13, 2012

New Team Shirts

We continue to work towards a strong start to the next school year...but we're well into our rolling start....we are working on language arts, math, science, phonics....

I was happy our neighbor who moved stopped by and asked if I would continue to give her daughter a ride to youth group. Sure thing....and so I took Arielle in for a "play date" with friends - ::snort:: - and then brought everyone else in at PYOC (youth) time....

I headed off base and joined the MOPS steering team for  the Misawa MOPS planning meeting. Good fun - great year planned.

Back at home and Michael showed us a package that had arrived from Krista! New G Team shirts.....I tried to get the front and back in one shot!

This is what Krista and I were designing the night before we left Oregon. They have a tree, say estab 1984 one one side and a verse on the other....and we used the PWOC theme "Generation 2 Generation" as it FITS for a family shirt.....Now - not sure you can see it here, but we'll come up with a prize for the person who points out the fun "mistake" first.

We hadn't figured out what to do with Mom G's, Michael's and mine.....but Krista made us 0, 1 and 2.....Stacia LOVES her shirt and wore it today... She's thrilled there is no doubt it is HER shirt as she is "number 11 G."

Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...