Saturday, June 01, 2019

Nothing Says Welcome Like...

We are approaching our second anniversary in this house. I have been looking for the perfect welcome mat all.this.time!

I  decided to get this one. I liked the colors. It said welcome, without saying welcome. I liked it.

Michael was the first person through the door after I placed the mat.

"I'm wondering what kind of message you are trying to send with your mat."


"So...our guests will stand on the mat, look down and it says, 'hell'?"

Nolan heard the conversation and admitted he'd wondered the same thing. The first two people through the door.....

The search  continues.

Saturdays are for Gardening

We had hoped to be in Seward from Thursday afternoon - Saturday evening. Alas, it was not to be.  Michael is simply not in any shape to drive the RV, camp, or fish. The salmon were safe from us for another week.*

We have a TON of projects around here to keep us busy. Arielle was a pro and went after the blasted dandelions. We don't want to use pesticides with our well, but the vinegar/soap thing is NOT working around here. 

Benny was happy to help us in the garden beds, while his Mama attacked the pretty flowers.  We brought the seedlings out from the house. I have the use of all kitchen counters again. I still have a couple of flats of zucchini and beans - but they are UNDER THE GROW LIGHTS where all well-behaved seedlings belong. 
Willing helper

We added some dirt which smelled suspiciously like manure - or maybe it was the rabbit droppings in the beds....

By this point in the job Benny is looking disgusted with the whole thing.

Mama helped Benny plant a few plants

I'm loving the greenhouse - I suspect we need to put a giant greenhouse over the whole garden plot. 

Nolan suggested we go to see Aladdin.  Michael didn't feel like sitting that long. The 3 Gherkins and I decided to catch the movie after we had planted all our "stuff". We planted carrots, a couple kinds of lettuce, a couple kinds of kale, beets, cabbage, spinach and beans.

While we were gone Michael began putting together this design which has been occupying our thoughts. It has potential. We'll finish it tomorrow or Monday.

We enjoyed the movie - a lot. We don't always like the re-makes of animated movies, but this one was good.

*Josiah texted a couple of photos.....and so it begins. The Salmon Season.
Note the Nyquil by the filet knife. A cold won't keep Cy from
standing in a cold river or inlet all day when the salmon
are playing. . 

 I'm sad we couldn't be out there with him, and happy that we got things planted. Praying Michael's back feels like a bit of fishing in the next week or two.