Monday, July 06, 2015

Our Spectacular Monday

We planned for our "big" summer school days to be today, Thursday and Friday. I headed to Walmart with Stacia to buy a few things we needed for science playing experiments.

BUT our plans took an exciting change.....and we never got back to Science. We got to relive what it's like to have a family of 8 at home....and yes, there was a moment when we looked at each other and realized  if I'd continued having children we would have THIS family still at home and Stacia wouldn't be so pre-occupied about all the Gherkins outside of the home. We always love the time we get to spend with Matt and Rachel's kids.
Michael was home today and took Zander to get a pair of shoes. It was way past time.
Back at home we played games, had lunch, had dinner and waited.....for Eliana Faith - 7 lbs 12 oz to make her arrival.  FINALLY (really only 5 - 6 hours after the kids were dropped off), we got a text and a Facebook message....I called the kids around to show them....then we thought about getting the camera out so we missed Zach and Seth's reactions. LOL
"Joy, I have a picture of Eliana!" Wow...
...then she looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "Is she OUTSIDE now?" ::snort::
I asked her if she thought Eliana would have blonde hair like her or brown hair like the others. She told me "white" hair. I asked her white like mine or like hers....she wasn't sure about this at all. LOL I assured her it wouldn't be white like mine.
Hello, Sweetie....we're looking forward to meeting you.  We're happy to be part of your birth story.

Matt and Rachel - take your time coming back tomorrow. I still have some spoiling to do on this end....and since Eliana surprised us a day early, I want to whip up something for your dinner as I know the meal train won't start until Wednesday. LOL

Stacia on Aging Siblings and Friends

Stacia entertained me with some profound thoughts today:

"Mom, when I'm 20 Bre will be 40."


"When I'm 60, Bre will be 80!"


"Mom, pretty much all the Gherkins out of the house are going to die before I get very old."

"Maybe, but not necessarily."

"It's a good thing you had Zander."


"He's a pleasant age."


"I want to live down the street from you and Dad when you are done traveling and all the older Gherkins are dead." appears Michael and I will outlive all the Gherkins - except for Stacia and Zander.

She also shared this thought, "Moms shouldn't bully kids to make sure their kid always get their way. Their kids will never learn how to be good friends."

Yes, this led to a great conversation on what makes a good friend. And they say homeschoolers will be unsocialized......I think she's got a handle on this.