Izaak planned to move the RV and the family over after work tonight. We knew that would be late - and felt bad we'd be unavailable to help. Michael suggested we move the RV over after his therapy appointment. One thing led to another - they filled the RV basement, Cory was off work and volunteered his truck, then they hooked up the trailer....and WHAMMO, all their things were loaded and ready for the move. We had the kids inside. They were a bit antsy.....especially when sweet Bella saw the RV leave without her. It has been their home for a year.
We distracted her with a baking project. Then we FED her a cookie. Stacia said, "Won't that make her hyper?"
I replied, "She' get hyper and THEN she'll crash!" ::snort::
Arielle said, "Listen to Mom - she knows things."
Mainly, we simply wanted to keep Bella happy and distracted.
Dad and I left Stacia with the settled kids, and went to see if we could help at the new house. The guys unloaded and put EVERYTHING IN THE ROOM where it belonged. I helped organize the kids' room and the living room....Dad and I put their shoe rack together. We have video clips. It took us three tries - but we GOT IT.
Izaak arrived. They came and got the kids and headed "HOME." We were happy they didn't have a night of moving ahead of them.
This is not the best photo of Arielle - but it CAPTURES the moment. Arielle has always loved lady bugs. She was distressed to find them LIVE in a bag at Freddies. I explained they won't survive the winter up here and they are good to have...therefore....
She wasn't having it. She said she was thinking of opening all the bags in the store...instead she bought some and brought them home for our greenhouse and garden. We captured the great release on video - "coming soon."
Memorial day was our last "Weekly Family Dinner" until after summer. We discerned it would be good for all to have Sunday free to play and explore without a "family obligation." ::wink:: This has worked well - we miss the times - but winter is coming. We've not seen as much of the Eagle River gang without a scheduled meet up.....but JaRissa and Josiah came out for dinner tonight. It was fun to catch up and laugh together. Jamin is working days and nights just now.
Jared and Larissa |
The oldest man in my life and the newest man in my life. I love these two!
Crawling lessons continue
Benny (8 months) and Cory |
Larissa snapped this photo (and the one of me with the guys)
Arielle, Cory, Benny, Nolan, Dad, Cy, Me, Micahel, Jared, Stacia, Alex |
We ate and then lingered - sitting around the table until 10:30. It was good to catch up. Our Friday the 13th was fantasical.
Tomorrow - we get the RV ready for our first dip netting outing.....
Sounds of the day