Sunday, June 02, 2024

We LOVE Sundays

 The week was busy. I know Michael usually has 2 or 3 "early days" and then he crashes. I was surprised he didn't have a crash day during the week, but this morning was a big crash day! His alarm went off. He didn't get up. I waited 10 minutes; I couldn't budge him. I waited another 10 minutes, and we were at the point he had 20 min to get up and ready before we had to leave...he stayed home.  He was still sleeping when we got home at 2:30 p.m.....and stayed there until nearly 4. I am hopeful this is just what his body needed. 

I loaded up GG and the girls and we headed to Eagle River for church. We've started a new series on calling and it promises to be great. You can watch Pastor Brian kick off the series here.  You are called! Am I spending more time developing what I am instead of who I am? Am I willing to accept the cost of walking in my calling? Disentangle purpose from calling. Purpose - who you are meant to be; Calling - what you are meant to do.  God calls us to SURRENDER to Jesus and to PARTICIPATE in His redemptive work in the world. Prepare for your calling. Character always precedes calling; calling comes with cost; character allows you to pay the cost of calling.  

It was a "small" day for our family at church...I only needed to save 11 seats...I've had to save 20+ some weeks. GG was a bit disgruntled, "Why do you move further back each week?" ::snort:: A few weeks ago, we DID begin moving from our 2nd row seats as our babies are more alert. HOWEVER - big day today - both Josi (CyRi) and Noah (JaRissa) enjoyed a service in the nursery! Maybe we'll please GG and move forward again. LOL 

After service our group and Carrie and the girls went out for lunch. JaRissa and KrUke went out to put up campaign signs.  We laughed when we exited the restaurant and found a big sign up. 

Photo via Krista 

Luke & Jared - Photo via Krista

Liv showcases the sign - photo via Krista 

Earlier in the week Carrie had given Luke Josiah's bike. It's a bike made for a tall guy. It made her happy to think of someone Josiah loved enjoying the bike. Krista sent this photo of their trial run with the new bike. 

Kaelyn, Rylin and Luke - photo via Krista 

Jamin and Jenni were out enjoying Alaska on a zipline. They stopped by for a couple of hours. GG went to bed. 

Allie and I had discovered a series called Scorpion.  We introduced it to Stacia and enjoyed a couple of episodes and then called it a day. Oh, yeah, there was Sunday night ice cream in there somewhere. LOL