Saturday, August 05, 2023

Gorgeous Saturday

 This was a gorgeous summer day. It would have been nice to go exploring, but we didn't. We DID spend lots of time outside! 

HOURS outside. It was time to tame our yard. The main part had been done the week of dip netting...but I suspect it had been longer for the orchard. 

Stacia came outside and mowed the main part on the riding mower. She has a terrible time with grass, but the riding mower was a bit better, and she took a very HOT and thorough shower as soon as she was done.  In the midst of the endeavor, I sliced open my finger on the lawnmower. 
Mike worked with the weed whacker...and then took over the riding mower and went up the hills and into the brush - places Stacia is happier not to go. 

While we did all this Allie cleaned inside and kept GG occupied. He really wants to help with the yard, but it simply isn't a great idea. He fell the other night and he's getting to the point where it is very difficult for even Michael to get him up. 

The orchard looks so much better

Remember when the snow and wind knocked down the trees between us and our neighbor? They bounced back up! 

Allie went to work. GG took a nap. Stacia and I ran into town and picked up the cake for tomorrow. It didn't seem right to have her make her own cake. LOL 

We ran over to the church to set up the coffee corner for tomorrow morning.  We stopped at the mailbox, and this was in the mail.  Verdi was right - we got it - just had to wait for the paperwork to process. Stacia's has made it through the system. It will cover her tuition at Alaska Bible College. I can't help remembering it would have given her tuition books and about $600-700 a month to live on at Global. LOL Brick and Mortar schools cost more. LOL  We are ever so thankful for this VA benefit. 

Back at home I assembled a keto "potato" salad, and a broccoli salad. Stacia made deviled eggs. I'll put a ham in the roaster before we leave for church...and others will bring things. 

After dinner Michael headed over to the church to get last week's service uploaded. It's been too busy to find a chunk of time to go sit at the church and wait for the video to load. 

We will sleep good tonight.