Monday, March 06, 2006

MONDAY – Further Update

At the doctor office:

Tech - thrusts ear thing in Stacia’s ear - reads 96* "oh, she doesn't have a fever". She was feverish and still was. (She WAS - 101* when I got home)… obviously the thing was too big for her ear....

Enter Doc - "you're an old hand at this" (great female-mother-doctor who LIKES healthy food and raw milk) "What do you think is wrong?"

Me - ears - maybe virus but I don't want to spend another screaming night without knowing what we’re dealing with.

Doc - which ear is she tugging?

Me – right.

Doc - right is fine, let's see left

Doc - terrible infection

Me - dyslexic?

Doc - Why haven't you been yelling that you can't get an appt to bring her in for well baby? (She’s not had her 4 month check and is now 6 ½ months).

Me - I've called since November and can't get in....brought her for some delayed shots figured she was doing fine..growing, developing on schedule...

Doc - I love experienced moms but you are TOO NICE with TRICARE - yell at them next time...

She handed me an appt for 2 weeks for well baby and they'll recheck ears....and Tri-care told me this a.m. there were no appts left in march.

Got home - dealing with meds and young pound "officer" shows up - my dog is out...when they chased her she ran right to my driveway and stopped and sat....:::Snort::: must teach her to run to the neighbors...right after I get the phonics digraphs taught to Nolan....

That’s about the way the whole day went…I’ll spare you any more details.

Quick update

I GOT AN APPT FOR STACIA. I have 3 hours. I wonder if I can get bills paid or school started or if I should try to get a nap. I'm tired....I bet I can get bills done before I leave for the base.

Living the Life

Yes, I HAVE been up all night. Stacia is fussy and has a very low temp. I want her ears checked. I'm now hitting redial and listening to the message: " You've reached the medical group after hours" it ISN'T after hours....and usually when you finally get through the appts are filled....and people want national healthcare????

Hope to get school done, bills paid and a run to the library. . . and a doctor appt. for Stacia?


Every Sunday begins with Religious Education (Sunday School in the Civilian World). Mike and I are team-teaching a class on the book of Philippians. This is a first for us and we have yet to really hit a “stride” in the endeavor but we are having fun.

Zander DID have a melt-down when he saw the snack food in his RE room. He arrived before the others….he thought he should have the whole box. Poor Jill. She handled him great. We are realizing that it is NOT the sugar that Zander has to avoid…it’s the preservatives and the artificial flavorings and colors. We’ve been trying to figure out how to handle Sundays. It doesn’t seem fair to say that he can’t have any and must watch while everyone else eats. It’s not realistic to expect a whole RE department to change their treats because of one 4 yo. BUT we are realizing since we made the ice cream that we can find solutions, I think I will MAKE some chocolate chip cookies or such for his class and for the “doughnut” hour. Then he will have a treat without all the stuff he isn’t supposed to have.

After Chapel we delivered 8 giant red peppers to Becky and her family (from the produce co-op). I had ended up with 14 and she had 2. I had no clue what to do with all the peppers. I’ve had one in a salad. Becky gave me recipes to roast them and to make a salad dressing with them. I’m open to other ideas.

Our family nights on Fridays aren’t going to work with Josiah’s work schedule. We think we’ll make Sunday the Family Day…still praying and thinking how to make it work. We don’t want to give up a set aside time for family fun….but Sundays are usually very full with chapel events and fellowship.

The kids asked for bowling and so off we went. UGH. The music was LOUD on base this time. It was crowded and noisy but the kids enjoyed it. (See pictures below). We headed for the park for an hour after having our fill of bowling (See story below). We ended the night with “Milk and Honey” (story below) and 2 episodes of Hogan’s Heroes.

Stacia began fussing…screaming for an hour before going to bed – but no fever or anything. Can’t figure out what this is….



The day began early with Mike and the older 3 boys heading out for the paint ball fields on base. (See Story below). The younger kids and I picked up around the house a bit. We then all drove out to the paint ball field to visit with spectators and snap a couple of shots. We had the field reserved from 9-11 a.m. and a couple of squadrons had the place after us. Mike was the chaplain for one of the squadrons and was invited to stay so the boys and he stayed and played a few more hours of paint ball. They were sore on Sunday. {G}

Meanwhile, the younger four and I ran to the commissary. We were armed with a healthy recipe for Minestrone from the La Leache League cookbook. Our goal was to buy ingredients and rush home to start it simmering. We made enough to have some for us, a gallon to take to a friend who just had a baby and another meal’s worth in the freezer. We found all but the barley at the commissary. This meant we needed to visit another store. Albertson’s had red grapes on sale for .88 a lb…so we tried there.

I realized that taking Zander into a grocery store makes the Feingold program much more difficult. He’s been without lots of overtly “bad” foods for two weeks, and is doing fairly good on the program. We’ve noticed changes. He’s more in control of himself. He’s 90% potty trained. However, seeing the chips and Oreos and such reawakened his desire to EAT them. I did buy a package of Oreos for our ice cream.

By the time we arrived at Albertons I was tired, grouchy and ready to be home. We pulled into the parking lot and I began to unload children. Zander immediately noticed a big red motorcycle in the parking lot. I told him to stay right by the van and went to get Stacia into the sling. Turned around and he was ON the cool motorcycle. Ugh. We DID buy our grapes and find barley.

We arrived home and were unloading groceries when Mike and the boys showed up. Jamin and Mike helped chop veggies for the soup, Cy got ready for work and we progressed. With the soup simmering we began to make some “healthy ice cream”. (See story below). We delivered the soup, ate our own, ran four little ones through the bath, ironed clothes for Sunday, finished lesson prep for Sunday and wearily called it a day around 11:30 p.m.

We did let Zander have one Oreo. This was off the program but certainly better than his former habit of sneaking the whole BAG of Oreos for himself. He seemed satisfied with one. I’m not sure how he’ll handle Sunday treats now that he’s been so deprived all week. {G}


After bowling we went to the Park for “one hour”. We had 5 water guns in the back of the van (not sure where the 6th went) and a big bottle of bubbles. Adrienne and her children were at the park. The kids love to play together.

I’m not sure how we managed to miss getting pictures of the water gun war….but here are some photos of bubbles.


Mike began a tradition with the children years ago. Each year the first person to find that year’s penny receives a $5 bill. He is SURE that the children have taken advantage of his forgetfulness and more than one child has collected each year. {G}

Over the years the tradition has developed and currently this is the plan. The first child to find a 2006 penny receives a $5 bill. Exchanging Lincoln for Lincoln. All other children will collect a $1 bill when/if they find a 2006 penny before the end of the year.

Josiah has passed up hundreds of the pennies that have come through his till. He waited to find one – which he did while cleaning up at Chick Fil A. {G} Mike wanted this well documented so no other child claims the $5 reward. He thinks this is the earliest that anyone has ever found a year’s penny.

Watching all the hulabaloo, Zander asked me, "Mom, WHAT? Is this Sixty Million dollars?" {vbg}

*PS - it sure bugs me when these are out of order...but I'm not sure what to do about it. {G}


It’s been our family habit to have ice cream (Moose Tracks) once a week – Sunday night. Over time we’ve noticed that Zander is like a child possessed every Monday. Since going on the Feingold Program we realized that all the food that is off program on Sunday is probably a big contributing factor to Mondays.

After listening to Adrienne, Heather and Becky talk about their home-made ice cream I began to wonder….but our homemade ice cream never turned out REALLY good. It was always a bit runny or rock solid…..Adrienne gave us some of her vanilla and carob ice cream to taste. YUM.

In preparation for Sunday Night’s treat we made our very own ice cream. It is GOOD. I never really understood why the Israelites would be thrilled by a promise of God to give them a land flowing with milk and honey. After making and eating this….I get it…I believe He was promising them a land flowing with home-made, all-natural ICE CREAM! By making our own even Zander can enjoy. No artificial flavors or colors.

Recipe: (for 6 qt maker – makes a gal)

1 ½ C local honey
6 C light cream (non-homogenized)
6 C heavy cream (non –homogenized)
1 T pure vanilla (used 2)

Dissolve honey in 1 ½ C of light cream over very low heat, stirring until well blended. Cool. Pour all ingredients into ice cream maker, stir and process for 30 – 40 minutes. Spoon into a plastic container, cover, and place in freezer to harden.

All agreed this was good. I let them have their favorites add ins (cookie dough, Recees cups, Oreos, hard shell) but will be looking for substitutes of the same things without the artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. This truly was a case of having our cake and eating it too.

Anitcipation begins to build Sat. night
Jamin dishes the ice cream - Sunday night
Pay off for hard work - YUMMY!

Paint Ball Bash – FINALLY

The boys were finally able to have their birthday paint ball bash. Unfortunately, with all the rescheduling due to schedules and rain, one good friend wasn’t able to make it. They had a great time. The day was wonderful. Warm with a bit of breeze…but not ungodly hot or raining.

It is impossible to get great pictures of this since they will only let you get so close as a spectator – but here are a few shots between rounds. Thus ends our birthday celebrations until May/June.

Like Father/Like Son

Jared & Patrick