Saturday, June 24, 2017

She Did It!

We are proud of Krista. She has completed her Commissioned Officer's Training (COT). She is "official."  It's not easy to be thrown into a new culture with its own language, tone and expectations. It's always a bit disorienting. She had a nasty cough which  made life even more of a challenge but she rocked this!

 Krista has moved out of the dorm and into Bachelor's Officer's Quarters. She no longer has to share a room, her "room" has a kitchen, it's own bathroom, a nice bed and furniture. She gets to wear civilian clothes again. πŸ˜‰ She has a bit more freedom to determine her daily schedule.

She graduated yesterday and began her six week stint as a Chaplain Candidate today. She'll be going to four or five bases...keep your eye out for a Leut. with our last never know.

She'll move to Virginia at the end of the summer to finish her graduate degree.