It has been an exhausting day! In every way.
In my fight against mental clutter, I decided it was time to get everything I'm trying to get done (or help others get done) out on paper.... EVERYONE can see where we need to be heading and why I'm just a tad bit distracted.
I had tried a list in my journal but no one else saw what needed to be done and I was stressing that nothing was getting checked off the list. We need to cross things off the list, people! This HELPED. Unfortunately, every call added another list of things to do... but I'm hoping by Wednesday the picture will be looking much saner.
The girls and I arrived at the DMV 15 minutes before they were scheduled to open. After Allie spent 2 1/2 hours there yesterday, we came prepared! Books, journals, phones.... Allie got right in....but we were missing a paper and I had to run home. The gal who helped us was very nice, she allowed us to hop back up to her desk....we got the paperwork done that needed to be done in 1 1/2 hours... CHECK.
Michael and I spent a couple of hours on the phone. I've often wondered why the government makes things SO complicated. I would think if one entered info in the DOD system it should automatically be shared with Tri-Care, FedVIP, VA...but it is not so.... in the midst of our calls, we discovered the paperwork we filled out on the base in June was filled out with the wrong date. The airmen typed in 2018 instead of 2023. We'll be going back to base Monday morning. LOL I thought it was funny that Mike was on the phone with Tricare and I had FedVIP on the phone...they wanted him to authorize me to speak to them about our account. He had two phones - two people from the government on the line and handled them both like a pro.
While we worked the phone the girls were busy too. Stacia was checking to see what else she needs to pull together to complete her application to Alaska Bible College (ABC). I have another post about what Allie was pulling together....gotta wait for her to approve the post before I publish it.
Allie went to work.
I emptied the freezer we take dip netting and started it defrosting. This took a solid 90 minutes. Things had to be thrown out, set aside for the chickens, shuffled around and then I cleaned out two freezers. One is ready to be moved into the RV for the trip to Kenai.
While I worked on freezers Stacia "went to" her Japanese class. Michael put a coat of primer on the wall in what will be our new study.
Michael moved the trailer, and we began unloading it. It had more in it than he remembered. ::snort:: As a military family we had boxes we wanted to keep but didn't need to unpack. We had a line of unpacked boxes in the garage at all times. When we moved Dad up here, we brought stuff from him, Mom, and Michael's parents and Grandmother as well. We left it all in boxes in the trailer. ::snort:: At first the basement had CoRielle and the boys living in it...and the RV had BreZaak. There wasn't anywhere to unload...and you know if we don't see it, I don't have to deal with it. New orders haven't materialized, we plan to stay here, we may as well think about unpacking. We started by unloading the trailer. . .
At this point it is in the basement...and it's not pretty! I don't like it ONE BIT. We've been working to make the basement warm and inviting and it is not currently that. I do think having this pile here where we have to see it will motivate us to get moving quicker on the rest of the projects.
Michael and the girls have painted coat upon coat of primer over the boys' old walls. Michael finally told Stacia tonight he thinks it is ready for paint. The plan is to paint this big room (formerly Nolan and Alex's room) and then make it the study. We have NEVER been able to fit all our books, Mike's former office stuff, my office and ministry stuff etc into the room that is now the study. This room is big enough we may be able to move the office stuff from the nook down too....we shall see. I miss Michael having a big office out of the house. LOL
Yay, Stacia. |
The current study will become a guest room....and we hope the treadmill will fit in there too. We shall see (that's my new favorite phrase). We aren't sure where all these boxes of letters and photos will go....there are two closets in the new study.
We have a boatload of furniture to refinish. Feel free to share tips.
I left unloading the trailer to cook dinner (Benny's Favorite) and Michael and Stacia continued working on the trailer.
As I said, it's been an exhausting day. I'm ready to go relax. And I feel bad for Allie who has hours of work left.