Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Self Awareness
Every once in awhile we all exhibit moments of brilliant self-awareness. We recently had one such moment with Stacia. We've known for some time this little one is an EXTROVERT (one of 3 in our family of 11). Hints: she ALWAYS wants to go with me to the commissary and says things like, "I LOVE to see how many of Mom's friends we'll see," and "I love it when Mom stops and talks to strangers." These are not things our more introverted children have EVER said. ::wink::
A few days ago Zander and I were talking. He commented, "I'm a loner." He is. I agreed. Stacia interrupted the flow of our conversation to say, "I'm a PEOPLE - er." This was followed, in true Disney style, with a song and dance.... much leaping and spinning... "I'm a people er, I need PEOPLE. I like to talk with people. I like to drink tea with people. Every thing is better with PEOPLE. I'm a PEOOOOOOPPPPPLLLLLL - er!"
I commented to friends over a year ago I was praying for ways to help my little extrovert learn the value of solitude, silence, and listening earlier in life than I have. Some chided me for trying to turn her into an "introvert." Hear me carefully, in the same way I teach my introverts the value of community, I need to teach my extrovert the value of solitude, silence and listening. Never seeking to change the person - only Jesus transforms - but helping all to see the value of the full picture.
A few weeks ago in family circle Stacia began to pray along the lines of, "Jesus help me learn to listen to you and others more and more." "Jesus I want to know you more." "Jesus, help me be a good friend and listen better." Um.....yes....she is learning the value of silence, listening, solitude.
Praise God she'll always be a people-er for His glory.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Family Circle
Back story: Monday we got a LOT of school done. We got so much done I thought we may get two weeks done this week.
Tuesday I left the home at 0830 to be at the clinic by 0915 for an 0930 appointment. I was not seen until 1014. I loved the doc and the tech....but next I had to "run in for a referral" - which took another 30 min. I "ran into" the commissary - and it was the last day they were open. CRAZY lines. I had hoped to be home by 1030 - it was 1355 by the time I got home.
via Google Images |
Wednesday is our one morning of the week when we are out of our home. The doc had insisted I come in THIS a.m. for fasting labs - and I couldn't fast longer than 12 hours for the test. We pushed and got out of here in time to be at the lab EARLY, before PWOC...only to find they are closed the first Wed morning of the month. Remember, the doc and the lab both told me to come in today. I thought I handled it well - though I did let the guard know I was TOLD to come in and I live off base.
Tonight in Family Circle, during prayer time, Zander prayed, "Thank you I'm starting to make friends at PWOC. Help me to endure frustrating events....pause....and help me to act more like you....all the time."
OUCH. I prayed after Zander that God would help me to endure the frustrations of closed med groups office....and Zander helpfully added, "And embrace it - act like Jesus." ::snort:: I thought I handled it well this morning. He told me I didn't really embrace the change.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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