Sunday, July 02, 2017

Doing Life Together

We are enjoying doing life together with these Gherkins. Sunday, we went to JaRissa's church where we heard a sound and challenging sermon.  We opted for an Asian Buffet after church. 
Stacia, Cy, Nolan, Jamin, Alex, Larissa, Jared, Michael 
 Feeling "sufficiently satisfied," we headed back to JaRissa's. One young man took a nap, another attempted a hike - but was stood up.  😉These four played Jamin's new Lord of the Ring Risk.....

Larissa made some yummy Reeces cookies 

We girls did nails, hair and watched Beauty and the Beast. 

All the workers had to show up for work Monday, so we called it an early night. It was a good day.