Tuesday, May 09, 2006

“Jumping Jehoshaphat”
Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20)

Circumstances: 3 armies rise against him; he’s terrified but “he turned his attention to seek the Lord, called all of Judah to fast and pray, God promises to deliver them; singers and dancers move out; God totally destroys the enemy; took Israel three days to collect the spoils…sad that Jehoshaphat didn’t destroy the high places, he went on to make unholy alliances with other neighbors and God ultimately destroyed his work.

Prayer: “The God of our fathers…God in the heavens” – recognizes who God is, worships God for who he is….

Recalls what he knows about God “you said this”, “you’ve acted like this in the past” – he then bases his requests on God’s character, commands and past dealings with the nation.

Compared with “Lord’s Prayer”:
Begins with Worship; acknowledgement of who God is (His Character) and His sovereignty: “God of our fathers”, “thou art in heaven (sovereign)”. “power and might are in your hand”, “who can stand against you”. Speaks of God’s past dealings with Israel.

Moves on to Petition “Judge them”, “We’re powerless nor do we know what to do”

Prays for deliverance.

Ends with more worship: “Our eyes are on Thee”.

Compared with Phil 4: 6:
“Be anxious for nothing” – Jehoshaphat WAS anxious, he was terrified but he turned his attention to seek the Lord.

“by prayers (general) and supplication (specific, intense, pleas) with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God” – He specifically listed the things that were needed, they worshiped God for his past dealings and for who they knew He was/is.

The Lord routed the enemy when they obeyed (they began to move out as they were instructed) in the context of worship.

Facing an enemy? Turn your eyes to God. Pray with confidence based on who God IS and how he ACTS…..don’t know God? You can do something about it! He’s waiting in His Word to reveal all that He is to us.

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