Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Jamin and I went over to a friend’s house to water their lawn bright and early. They are out of town for a couple of weeks. Adrienne had said that when her son fed their dogs she read Becky’s books….see where this is going???? I spent 1 ½ hours today reading one of Becky’s books. I may have to order it – I may not. If any of you have *Nourishing Traditions* by Sally Fallon – do let me know what you think. It’s available for only $15 at I read all the entries on the thyroid in the book. I wanted to learn WHY I need iodine and what are the good sources for getting it. {G} I discovered that I should use sea salt daily (we only use sea salt) and that PINEAPPLE is a good source of organic iodide…..well….blow me over….I’m already eating that every day too for the bwhatever that helps with arthritis. She said that raw spinach and broccoli inhibit the absorption of iodine and I also eat that most days too! Maybe they’ll balance out? I discovered that fish-head broth is excellent for those of us with hypothyroidism…..ARGH. I had my fill of anything to do with fish heads growing up….but I suppose…maybe…after all it’s not balut. :::snort::: I’m not sure what I think of this author. I’ve heard she researches a LOT…but then I’ve also heard that she thinks we should eat raw meat – that isn’t happening here! BTW this book was on the couch – I honestly didn’t search through drawers and cupboards…ewww….I would never betray a friend’s trust like that…only books that are clearly visible on living room or kitchen furniture.

I dropped Jamin off; picked Arielle up and headed for Target and Albertsons. We needed to get her shoes and such….and I picked up some produce that we were out of – that’s a first in months. LOL

I made Hungarian Swiss Steak (so is it still Swiss steak?), salad, toast, fruit and mashed potatoes for dinner. Josiah has been eating dinners with us this week. I KNEW it would only be a matter of time until he was sick of Chick-fil-A and willing to eat organic. :::snort::: As our family grew, our table shrunk and we had no room for people and food at the table. So we opted to serve meals buffet style for the past several years. I put all the food on the kitchen counter and the kids file past, grab silverware and a cup and that’s that…..well….I decided that they needed to learn table etiquette. LOL AND in this house we do have both our tables pushed together in our dining room – so there is room for the food AND the people around our table again. I met with some resistance from my son who doesn’t like change at all. Poor thing. I still think it will be good. It IS more work. {G} We have to pull the tables apart when the girls are home so may have to go back to buffet for that time period in August.

Mike got home at a “decent” hour tonight. After dinner we headed down to the river to feed ducks. That is always a fun outing. Josiah is working but everyone else was there. I’ll have to upload pictures in the a.m.

OH – Zander keeps waking me up at 4:30 a.m. He needs to use the bathroom BUT he is sure there are spiders in the bathroom. I bought a fly swatter today and told him that he is now the “exalted swatter of all bugs”. Wow. He hooked up a belt and stuck the swatter in there and happily spent the afternoon as a man with a mission.

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