Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Book Review: The Ministry of Motherhood

Gift of Faith Discussion Guide
I'll save most my comments until I see others starting to comment.
1. Read Ps 119:105. According to this verse, what will give our children a proper foundation and guidance on their path of life? In what ways does this apply to our calling as ministers to our children?
2. Make a list of five things you could to do incorpoarte God's Word more effectively into your everyday family life. Pick one item from the list and commit to applying it faithfully for six weeks. I love this question and can't wait to hear your great ideas. I love the challenge to apply it for six weeks. So often we think in terms of 2 weeks - which really isn't long enough to establish a life-long habit or make a lasting change.
3. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. What circumstances has God recently allowed in your own life that call for faith? In what ways are you modeling faith before the yes of your childen so that they are learning how to have faith in God?
Hmmm....deployment, finances, plans for older 3 children, miscarriage...lots of lessons on surrender and faith in God's nature during this season of our family life.
4. Think of a time in the past when you have had to walk by faith but now look back to see what God has done. Tell your children about this experience in the form of a bedtime story. (If you can't think of a time in your own life, look for a children's bok about faithful people. Or tell them the stories of Abraham and Sarah or Joseph in Egypt).
5. According to Ephesians 2:8, what does God say in the the source of your salvation? What does faith have to do with this? Do your children understand that God's love is a free gift with no strings attached? Plan out how you can communicate this principle to them.

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