Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday in Isolation continues.

It's Spring Time in Alaska.

We saw a bird, and note the spots of bare pavement in the forefront of the photo....This morning our road was ICY....because it was melting yesterday and froze over night. 

 We saw a bug!!! 

This may be the perfect time in Alaska. The snow is still here and pretty (because we had recent snow), the temps are warm enough to enjoy being outside, and it hasn't turned to slush or mud yet!

It's important to get outside to process all the voices these days.

We heard, "Stay at home!" loud and strong from the Surgeon General of the United States this morning.  In fact, he warns us this week will be bad. We will see at the end of the week.

I heard Steve Hilton say we don't want the "cure to be worse than the disease," on a Fox news YouTube clip. His panel seemed to agree the damage to the economy will have stronger consequences than a few thousand deaths.  Wow. Even if you THINK that I wouldn't so callously dismiss the value of a human life.

I  heard President Trump say the "cure can't be worse than the disease" and hint he'll soon lift measures. I suspect he is trying to calm the economy down and doesn't really mean life will go back to "normal" in a few days; I'm guessing weeks?  I can't imagine most up here will rush out to congregate just as community spread pops up.

From Governor Dunleavy we heard we have 14 new cases in Alaska. They are no longer all travel related. In fact, at last count it was 19 travel related cases and 17 community spread. That's quite a jump from no community spread.  We certainly weren't surprised to hear of 2 new health mandates. I should probably document all the mandates for posterity - it's the first time I remember living with these sorts of measures.   Mandate 9 closes personal care/close contact salons, barbers, day spas, nail salons, tattoo and piercing businesses, massage therapists and acupuncturists etc...anything where people are closer than 6 feet to each other.  Mandate 10 deals with international and interstate travel. Anyone arriving in Alaska (By air? Ferry? Alcan?) - for work or travel, visitor or  resident, must self-quarantine for 14 days. This affects many who live outside and fly in to work on the north slope for a couple of weeks each month.  Our governor has done a great job communicating with us. I can't find a link outside of FB to his briefing...but I was a bit perplexed after the last one.

Personal contact businesses are closed and travelers are quarantined. Dr. Zinke used the phrase "shelter at home," but Gov Dunleavy said to, "Get outside - just stay 6 feet away from anyone who is not family, and if you are in a business stay 6 feet apart in line."   There aren't many inside places left to go - so I'm guessing it has the effect of a lock down.  The banner on the state's FB page says "Stay inside if you feel sick..." but elsewhere we are told to stay home...unless you are walking in nature and can maintain 6 feet of distance. As I said - I was perplexed. I think our Gov doesn't want to mandate say the words "lock down"....not sure how it would be much different from what we are doing with the mandates and alerts.....

Concern has been expressed to me that Covid-19 is being taken lightly as folks see Alaskans outside. We don't LIVE in a highly populated state.  We walked along the Matanuska River yesterday. We visited a local park today. Both times we came in contact with NO ONE outside our family. This isn't at all the same as viewing cherry blossoms in DC, or sunning on a CA beach. Many live in Alaska BECAUSE it is less populated and you CAN be ALONE in nature.  One of my daughters mentioned going to a lake and there being at least 100 people there - impossible to stay 6 feet away. We drive to the next lake. As many Alaskans are ALREADY dealing with cabin fever by March - it seems no one wants to tell folks STAY INSIDE...when they CAN be safe OUTSIDE - if they aren't in a group.

I think this sums up what I heard from our Governor, "Stay in; but get outside...wash your hands and watch for moose!"

This is what Sequester 2020 looked like around our home today.

Krista set up a Facebook and YouTube channel for her classroom. She also did some zoom meetings. 

Dad spends most mornings reading the paper - locked down or not. 

Stacia did TWO DAYS of school and practiced piano.

I made a graphic for our women's ministry zoom meeting.  I posted said graphic on Facebook and sent an email out to women from the church. I also texted back and forth with several. I am proud at the Alaskan can do attitude! (I do think those of you who are throwing plastic gloves in the parking lot at Fred Meyers are unbelievably RUDE and THOUGHTLESS! It's not enough they have to work and deal with a less than happy public - now they have to pick up YOUR protective gloves in the parking lot? We ARE better than this.)

The girls and I all worked out. 

Nolan worked all day. Alex was off.  Alex worked on school and then helped Michael with snow removal.  

They made another great path through the yard....

Chickens are NOT coming out; but they enjoy the open door and fresh air. 

We are unearthing a house...

The girls and I went OUTSIDE - the boys were obviously OUTSIDE. This is great for our mental health. 
One of the other humans was saw at the park
Benny and Arielle 

Back at home we took showers and changed clothes - something we do to be careful with Dad here.  Krista did a bit of work for Youth ministry and I made dinner.

We watched the Governor's briefing and everyone went to bed. Another day of thriving in isolation.

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