This was Stacia's birthday gift to me. She is diligently trying to learn how to crawl. She was moving her legs in various positions, laughing and having a great time but hasn’t quite figured it out. We’re taking guesses as to how long it will take for her to learn the trick. Mike says 2 weeks. The rest of us haven’t committed. Any guesses?
Oh, I pick Feb. 13th for Stacia's crawling debut. Is she getting on her hands and knees and rocking yet? What's the prize for the winner? I'd like brownies :)
Kelly in OH
I guess 1 week, she looks motivated!
She occassionally gets to her knees but I wouldn't say she is bearing weight. I'm guessing more like 4 - 6 think that's to far out? She loves to play and is sure enjoying trying....but she seems so young at 5 months. Of course...if I voted a week and then let her actually stay on the floor instead of my lap I bet she'd do it. {g}
Sis: I hope it is 2/10/06. Just remember that in her genes is Nathaniel who walked well at 7 months. :) What a cutie she is.
I guess 3-4 weeks. Around 6 months. She's looks very motivated though and might surprise you! What a cutie!!!
Jen in Az.
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